Source code for mythril.analysis.module.modules.state_change_external_calls

from mythril.analysis.potential_issues import (
from mythril.analysis.swc_data import REENTRANCY
from mythril.analysis.module.base import DetectionModule, EntryPoint
from mythril.laser.ethereum.state.constraints import Constraints
from mythril.laser.smt import symbol_factory, UGT, BitVec, Or
from mythril.laser.ethereum.state.global_state import GlobalState
from mythril.laser.ethereum.state.annotation import StateAnnotation
from mythril.analysis import solver
from mythril.exceptions import UnsatError
from typing import List, cast, Optional
from copy import copy

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


Check whether the account state is accesses after the execution of an external call


[docs]class StateChangeCallsAnnotation(StateAnnotation): def __init__(self, call_state: GlobalState, user_defined_address: bool) -> None: self.call_state = call_state self.state_change_states: List[GlobalState] = [] self.user_defined_address = user_defined_address def __copy__(self): new_annotation = StateChangeCallsAnnotation( self.call_state, self.user_defined_address ) new_annotation.state_change_states = self.state_change_states[:] return new_annotation
[docs] def get_issue( self, global_state: GlobalState, detector: DetectionModule ) -> Optional[PotentialIssue]: if not self.state_change_states: return None constraints = Constraints() gas = self.call_state.mstate.stack[-1] to = self.call_state.mstate.stack[-2] constraints += [ UGT(gas, symbol_factory.BitVecVal(2300, 256)), Or( to > symbol_factory.BitVecVal(16, 256), to == symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, 256), ), ] if self.user_defined_address: constraints += [to == 0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEF] try: solver.get_transaction_sequence( global_state, constraints + global_state.world_state.constraints ) except UnsatError: return None severity = "Medium" if self.user_defined_address else "Low" address = global_state.get_current_instruction()["address"] logging.debug( "[EXTERNAL_CALLS] Detected state changes at addresses: {}".format(address) ) read_or_write = "Write to" if global_state.get_current_instruction()["opcode"] == "SLOAD": read_or_write = "Read of" address_type = "user defined" if self.user_defined_address else "fixed" description_head = "{} persistent state following external call".format( read_or_write ) description_tail = ( "The contract account state is accessed after an external call to a {} address. " "To prevent reentrancy issues, consider accessing the state only before the call, especially if the callee is untrusted. " "Alternatively, a reentrancy lock can be used to prevent " "untrusted callees from re-entering the contract in an intermediate state.".format( address_type ) ) return PotentialIssue( contract=global_state.environment.active_account.contract_name, function_name=global_state.environment.active_function_name, address=address, title="State access after external call", severity=severity, description_head=description_head, description_tail=description_tail, swc_id=REENTRANCY, bytecode=global_state.environment.code.bytecode, constraints=constraints, detector=detector, )
[docs]class StateChangeAfterCall(DetectionModule): """This module searches for state change after low level calls (e.g. call.value()) that forward gas to the callee.""" name = "State change after an external call" swc_id = REENTRANCY description = DESCRIPTION entry_point = EntryPoint.CALLBACK pre_hooks = CALL_LIST + STATE_READ_WRITE_LIST def _execute(self, state: GlobalState) -> None: issues = self._analyze_state(state) annotation = get_potential_issues_annotation(state) annotation.potential_issues.extend(issues) @staticmethod def _add_external_call(global_state: GlobalState) -> None: gas = global_state.mstate.stack[-1] to = global_state.mstate.stack[-2] try: constraints = copy(global_state.world_state.constraints) solver.get_model( constraints + [ UGT(gas, symbol_factory.BitVecVal(2300, 256)), Or( to > symbol_factory.BitVecVal(16, 256), to == symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, 256), ), ] ) # Check whether we can also set the callee address try: constraints += [to == 0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEF] solver.get_model(constraints) global_state.annotate(StateChangeCallsAnnotation(global_state, True)) except UnsatError: global_state.annotate(StateChangeCallsAnnotation(global_state, False)) except UnsatError: pass def _analyze_state(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[PotentialIssue]: if global_state.environment.active_function_name == "constructor": return [] annotations = cast( List[StateChangeCallsAnnotation], list(global_state.get_annotations(StateChangeCallsAnnotation)), ) op_code = global_state.get_current_instruction()["opcode"] if len(annotations) == 0 and op_code in STATE_READ_WRITE_LIST: return [] if op_code in STATE_READ_WRITE_LIST: for annotation in annotations: annotation.state_change_states.append(global_state) # Record state changes following from a transfer of ether if op_code in CALL_LIST: value: BitVec = global_state.mstate.stack[-3] if StateChangeAfterCall._balance_change(value, global_state): for annotation in annotations: annotation.state_change_states.append(global_state) # Record external calls if op_code in CALL_LIST: StateChangeAfterCall._add_external_call(global_state) # Check for vulnerabilities vulnerabilities = [] for annotation in annotations: if not annotation.state_change_states: continue issue = annotation.get_issue(global_state, self) if issue: vulnerabilities.append(issue) return vulnerabilities @staticmethod def _balance_change(value: BitVec, global_state: GlobalState) -> bool: if not value.symbolic: assert value.value is not None return value.value > 0 else: constraints = copy(global_state.world_state.constraints) try: solver.get_model( constraints + [value > symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, 256)] ) return True except UnsatError: return False
detector = StateChangeAfterCall()