Source code for mythril.analysis.module.modules.unchecked_retval

"""This module contains detection code to find occurrences of calls whose
return value remains unchecked."""
from copy import copy
from typing import cast, List

from mythril.analysis import solver
from mythril.analysis.issue_annotation import IssueAnnotation
from import Issue
from mythril.analysis.swc_data import UNCHECKED_RET_VAL
from mythril.analysis.module.base import DetectionModule, EntryPoint
from mythril.exceptions import UnsatError
from mythril.laser.smt import And
from mythril.laser.smt.bitvec import BitVec
from mythril.laser.ethereum.state.annotation import StateAnnotation
from mythril.laser.ethereum.state.global_state import GlobalState

import logging
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RetVal(TypedDict): address: int retval: BitVec
[docs]class UncheckedRetvalAnnotation(StateAnnotation): def __init__(self) -> None: self.retvals: List[RetVal] = [] def __copy__(self): result = UncheckedRetvalAnnotation() result.retvals = copy(self.retvals) return result
[docs]class UncheckedRetval(DetectionModule): """A detection module to test whether CALL return value is checked.""" name = "Return value of an external call is not checked" swc_id = UNCHECKED_RET_VAL description = ( "Test whether CALL return value is checked. " "For direct calls, the Solidity compiler auto-generates this check. E.g.:\n" " Alice c = Alice(address);\n" ";\n" "Here the CALL will be followed by IZSERO(retval), if retval = ZERO then state is reverted. " "For low-level-calls this check is omitted. E.g.:\n" '"ping(uint256)")),1);' ) entry_point = EntryPoint.CALLBACK pre_hooks = ["STOP", "RETURN"] post_hooks = ["CALL", "DELEGATECALL", "STATICCALL", "CALLCODE"] def _execute(self, state: GlobalState) -> List[Issue]: """ :param state: :return: """ return self._analyze_state(state) def _analyze_state(self, state: GlobalState) -> list: instruction = state.get_current_instruction() annotations = cast( List[UncheckedRetvalAnnotation], [a for a in state.get_annotations(UncheckedRetvalAnnotation)], ) if len(annotations) == 0: state.annotate(UncheckedRetvalAnnotation()) annotations = cast( List[UncheckedRetvalAnnotation], [a for a in state.get_annotations(UncheckedRetvalAnnotation)], ) retvals = annotations[0].retvals if instruction["opcode"] in ("STOP", "RETURN"): issues = [] for retval in retvals: try: """ To check whether retval is unconstrained we are checking it against retval = 0 and retval = 1 """ solver.get_transaction_sequence( state, state.world_state.constraints + [retval["retval"] == 1] ) transaction_sequence = solver.get_transaction_sequence( state, state.world_state.constraints + [retval["retval"] == 0] ) except UnsatError: continue description_tail = ( "External calls return a boolean value. If the callee halts with an exception, 'false' is " "returned and execution continues in the caller. " "The caller should check whether an exception happened and react accordingly to avoid unexpected behavior. " "For example it is often desirable to wrap external calls in require() so the transaction is reverted if the call fails." ) issue = Issue( contract=state.environment.active_account.contract_name, function_name=state.environment.active_function_name, address=retval["address"], bytecode=state.environment.code.bytecode, title="Unchecked return value from external call.", swc_id=UNCHECKED_RET_VAL, severity="Medium", description_head="The return value of a message call is not checked.", description_tail=description_tail, gas_used=(state.mstate.min_gas_used, state.mstate.max_gas_used), transaction_sequence=transaction_sequence, ) conditions = [ And(*(state.world_state.constraints + [retval["retval"] == 1])), And(*(state.world_state.constraints + [retval["retval"] == 0])), ] state.annotate( IssueAnnotation(conditions=conditions, issue=issue, detector=self) ) issues.append(issue) return issues else: log.debug("End of call, extracting retval") if state.environment.code.instruction_list[state.mstate.pc - 1][ "opcode" ] not in ["CALL", "DELEGATECALL", "STATICCALL", "CALLCODE"]: # Return is pointless with OOG. The pc does not get updated in such cases return [] return_value = state.mstate.stack[-1] retvals.append( {"address": state.instruction["address"] - 1, "retval": return_value} ) return []
detector = UncheckedRetval()