Source code for mythril.analysis.module.util

from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List, Optional, Callable, Mapping, Dict
import logging

from import OPCODES
from mythril.analysis.module.base import DetectionModule, EntryPoint
from mythril.analysis.module.loader import ModuleLoader

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_detection_module_hooks( modules: List[DetectionModule], hook_type="pre" ) -> Dict[str, List[Callable]]: """Gets a dictionary with the hooks for the passed detection modules :param modules: The modules for which to retrieve hooks :param hook_type: The type of hooks to retrieve (default: "pre") :return: Dictionary with discovered hooks """ hook_dict: Mapping[str, List[Callable]] = defaultdict(list) for module in modules: hooks = module.pre_hooks if hook_type == "pre" else module.post_hooks for op_code in map(lambda x: x.upper(), hooks): # A hook can be either OP_CODE or START* # When an entry like the second is encountered we hook all opcodes that start with START if op_code in OP_CODE_LIST: hook_dict[op_code].append(module.execute) elif op_code.endswith("*"): to_register = filter(lambda x: x.startswith(op_code[:-1]), OP_CODE_LIST) for actual_hook in to_register: hook_dict[actual_hook].append(module.execute) else: log.error( "Encountered invalid hook opcode %s in module %s", op_code,, ) return dict(hook_dict)
[docs]def reset_callback_modules(module_names: Optional[List[str]] = None): """Clean the issue records of every callback-based module.""" modules = ModuleLoader().get_detection_modules(EntryPoint.CALLBACK, module_names) for module in modules: module.reset_module()