Source code for mythril.ethereum.util

"""This module contains various utility functions regarding unit conversion and
solc integration."""
import binascii
import json
import sys
import os
import platform
import logging
import solc
import re
import typing

from pathlib import Path
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen

from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
import semantic_version as semver
from semantic_version import Version, NpmSpec
from pyparsing import Word, Group, Optional, ZeroOrMore, oneOf, Regex, Combine

from mythril.exceptions import CompilerError
from import args

import solcx

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def safe_decode(hex_encoded_string): """ :param hex_encoded_string: :return: """ if hex_encoded_string.startswith("0x"): return bytes.fromhex(hex_encoded_string[2:]) else: return bytes.fromhex(hex_encoded_string)
[docs]def get_solc_json(file, solc_binary="solc", solc_settings_json=None): """ :param file: :param solc_binary: :param solc_settings_json: :return: """ if args.solc_args is None: cmd = [solc_binary, "--standard-json", "--allow-paths", ".,/"] else: cmd = [solc_binary, "--standard-json"] + args.solc_args.split() settings = {} if solc_settings_json: with open(solc_settings_json) as f: settings = json.load(f) if "optimizer" not in settings: settings.update({"optimizer": {"enabled": False}}) settings.update( { "outputSelection": { "*": { "": ["ast"], "*": [ "metadata", "evm.bytecode", "evm.deployedBytecode", "evm.methodIdentifiers", ], } }, } ) input_json = json.dumps( { "language": "Solidity", "sources": {file: {"urls": [file]}}, "settings": settings, } ) try: p = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate(bytes(input_json, "utf8")) except FileNotFoundError: raise CompilerError( "Compiler not found. Make sure that solc is installed and in PATH, or set the SOLC environment variable." ) out = stdout.decode("UTF-8") try: result = json.loads(out) except JSONDecodeError as e: log.error(f"Encountered a decode error.\n stdout:{out}\n stderr: {stderr}") raise e for error in result.get("errors", []): if error["severity"] == "error": raise CompilerError( "Solc experienced a fatal error.\n\n%s" % error["formattedMessage"] ) return result
[docs]def get_random_address(): """ :return: """ return binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(20)).decode("UTF-8")
[docs]def get_indexed_address(index): """ :param index: :return: """ return "0x" + (hex(index)[2:] * 40)
[docs]def solc_exists(version): """ :param version: :return: """ default_binary = "/usr/bin/solc" if platform.system() == "Darwin": solcx.import_installed_solc() solcx.install_solc("v" + version) solcx.set_solc_version("v" + version) solc_binary = solcx.install.get_executable() return solc_binary
[docs]def parse_pragma(solidity_code): lt = Word("<") gtr = Word(">") eq = Word("=") carrot = Word("^") version = Regex(r"\s*[0-9]+\s*\.\s*[0-9]+\s*(\.\s*[0-9]+)?") inequality = Optional( eq | (Combine(gtr + Optional(eq)) | Combine(lt + Optional(eq))) ) min_version = Optional(carrot | inequality) + version max_version = Optional(inequality + version) pragma = Word("pragma") + Word("solidity") + min_version + Optional(max_version) result = pragma.parseString(solidity_code) min_inequality = result[2] if result[2] in [">", "<", ">=", "<="] else "" min_carrot = result[2] if result[2] == "^" else "" min_version = result[3] if min_carrot != "" or min_inequality != "" else result[2] return { "min_carrot": min_carrot, "min_inequality": min_inequality, "min_version": min_version, "max_inequality": result[4] if len(result) > 4 else None, "max_version": result[5] if len(result) > 5 else None, }
try: all_versions = solcx.get_installable_solc_versions() except ConnectionError: # No internet, trying to proceed with installed compilers all_versions = solcx.get_installed_solc_versions()
[docs]def extract_version(file: typing.Optional[str]): if file is None: return None version_line = None for line in file.split("\n"): if "pragma solidity" not in line: continue version_line = line.rstrip() break if version_line is None: return None assert "pragma solidity" in version_line if version_line[-1] == ";": version_line = version_line[:-1] version_line = version_line[version_line.find("pragma") :] pragma_dict = parse_pragma(version_line) min_inequality = pragma_dict.get("min_inequality", None) max_inequality = pragma_dict.get("max_inequality", None) min_version = pragma_dict.get("min_version", None) if min_version is not None: min_version = min_version.replace(" ", "").replace("\t", "") max_version = pragma_dict.get("max_version", None) if max_version is not None: max_version = max_version.replace(" ", "").replace("\t", "") version_spec = ( f"{min_inequality}{min_version},{max_inequality}{max_version}" if max_version else min_version ) version_constraint = semver.SimpleSpec(version_spec) for version in all_versions: if version in version_constraint: if "0.5.17" in str(version): # Solidity 0.5.17 Does not compile in a lot of cases. continue return str(version)
[docs]def extract_binary(file: str) -> str: file_data = None with open(file) as f: file_data = version = extract_version(file_data) if ( version and NpmSpec("^0.8.0").match(Version(version)) and "unchecked" not in file_data ): args.use_integer_module = False if version is None: return os.environ.get("SOLC") or "solc" return solc_exists(version)