Source code for mythril.exceptions

"""This module contains general exceptions used by Mythril."""

[docs]class MythrilBaseException(Exception): """The Mythril exception base type.""" pass
[docs]class CompilerError(MythrilBaseException): """A Mythril exception denoting an error during code compilation.""" pass
[docs]class UnsatError(MythrilBaseException): """A Mythril exception denoting the unsatisfiability of a series of constraints.""" pass
[docs]class SolverTimeOutException(UnsatError): """A Mythril exception denoting the unsatisfiability of a series of constraints.""" pass
[docs]class NoContractFoundError(MythrilBaseException): """A Mythril exception denoting that a given contract file was not found.""" pass
[docs]class CriticalError(MythrilBaseException): """A Mythril exception denoting an unknown critical error has been encountered.""" pass
[docs]class DetectorNotFoundError(MythrilBaseException): """A Mythril exception denoting attempted usage of a non-existant detection module.""" pass
[docs]class IllegalArgumentError(ValueError): """The argument used does not exist""" pass