Source code for mythril.laser.smt

from mythril.laser.smt.bitvec import BitVec

from mythril.laser.smt.bitvec_helper import (

from mythril.laser.smt.expression import Expression, simplify
from mythril.laser.smt.bool import Bool, is_true, is_false, Or, Not, And
from mythril.laser.smt.array import K, Array, BaseArray
from mythril.laser.smt.function import Function
from mythril.laser.smt.solver import Solver, Optimize, SolverStatistics
from mythril.laser.smt.model import Model
from mythril.laser.smt.bool import Bool as SMTBool
from typing import Union, Any, Optional, Set, TypeVar, Generic
import z3

Annotations = Optional[Set[Any]]
T = TypeVar("T", bound=Union[SMTBool, z3.BoolRef])
U = TypeVar("U", bound=Union[BitVec, z3.BitVecRef])

[docs]class SymbolFactory(Generic[T, U]): """A symbol factory provides a default interface for all the components of mythril to create symbols"""
[docs] @staticmethod def Bool(value: "__builtins__.bool", annotations: Annotations = None) -> T: """ Creates a Bool with concrete value :param value: The boolean value :param annotations: The annotations to initialize the bool with :return: The freshly created Bool() """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def BoolSym(name: str, annotations: Annotations = None) -> T: """ Creates a boolean symbol :param name: The name of the Bool variable :param annotations: The annotations to initialize the bool with :return: The freshly created Bool() """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def BitVecVal(value: int, size: int, annotations: Annotations = None) -> U: """Creates a new bit vector with a concrete value. :param value: The concrete value to set the bit vector to :param size: The size of the bit vector :param annotations: The annotations to initialize the bit vector with :return: The freshly created bit vector """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @staticmethod def BitVecSym(name: str, size: int, annotations: Annotations = None) -> U: """Creates a new bit vector with a symbolic value. :param name: The name of the symbolic bit vector :param size: The size of the bit vector :param annotations: The annotations to initialize the bit vector with :return: The freshly created bit vector """ raise NotImplementedError()
class _SmtSymbolFactory(SymbolFactory[SMTBool, BitVec]): """ An implementation of a SymbolFactory that creates symbols using the classes in: mythril.laser.smt """ @staticmethod def Bool(value: "__builtins__.bool", annotations: Annotations = None) -> SMTBool: """ Creates a Bool with concrete value :param value: The boolean value :param annotations: The annotations to initialize the bool with :return: The freshly created Bool() """ raw = z3.BoolVal(value) return SMTBool(raw, annotations) @staticmethod def BoolSym(name: str, annotations: Annotations = None) -> SMTBool: """ Creates a boolean symbol :param name: The name of the Bool variable :param annotations: The annotations to initialize the bool with :return: The freshly created Bool() """ raw = z3.Bool(name) return SMTBool(raw, annotations) @staticmethod def BitVecVal(value: int, size: int, annotations: Annotations = None) -> BitVec: """Creates a new bit vector with a concrete value.""" raw = z3.BitVecVal(value, size) return BitVec(raw, annotations) @staticmethod def BitVecSym(name: str, size: int, annotations: Annotations = None) -> BitVec: """Creates a new bit vector with a symbolic value.""" raw = z3.BitVec(name, size) return BitVec(raw, annotations) class _Z3SymbolFactory(SymbolFactory[z3.BoolRef, z3.BitVecRef]): """ An implementation of a SymbolFactory that directly returns z3 symbols """ @staticmethod def Bool(value: "__builtins__.bool", annotations: Annotations = None) -> z3.BoolRef: """Creates a new bit vector with a concrete value""" return z3.BoolVal(value) @staticmethod def BitVecVal( value: int, size: int, annotations: Annotations = None ) -> z3.BitVecRef: """Creates a new bit vector with a concrete value.""" return z3.BitVecVal(value, size) @staticmethod def BitVecSym( name: str, size: int, annotations: Annotations = None ) -> z3.BitVecRef: """Creates a new bit vector with a symbolic value.""" return z3.BitVec(name, size) # This is the instance that other parts of mythril should use # Type hints are not allowed here in 3.5 # symbol_factory: SymbolFactory = _SmtSymbolFactory() symbol_factory = _SmtSymbolFactory()