Source code for mythril.analysis.module.loader

from mythril.analysis.module.base import DetectionModule, EntryPoint
from import Singleton
from import args

from mythril.analysis.module.modules.arbitrary_jump import ArbitraryJump
from mythril.analysis.module.modules.arbitrary_write import ArbitraryStorage
from mythril.analysis.module.modules.delegatecall import ArbitraryDelegateCall
from mythril.analysis.module.modules.dependence_on_predictable_vars import (
from mythril.analysis.module.modules.dependence_on_origin import TxOrigin
from mythril.analysis.module.modules.ether_thief import EtherThief
from mythril.analysis.module.modules.exceptions import Exceptions
from mythril.analysis.module.modules.external_calls import ExternalCalls
from mythril.analysis.module.modules.integer import IntegerArithmetics
from mythril.analysis.module.modules.multiple_sends import MultipleSends
from mythril.analysis.module.modules.state_change_external_calls import (
from mythril.analysis.module.modules.suicide import AccidentallyKillable
from mythril.analysis.module.modules.unchecked_retval import UncheckedRetval
from mythril.analysis.module.modules.user_assertions import UserAssertions

from mythril.analysis.module.base import EntryPoint

from mythril.exceptions import DetectorNotFoundError

from typing import Optional, List

[docs]class ModuleLoader(object, metaclass=Singleton): """ModuleLoader The module loader class implements a singleton loader for detection modules. By default it will load the detection modules in the mythril package. Additional detection modules can be loaded using the register_module function call implemented by the ModuleLoader """ def __init__(self): self._modules = [] self._register_mythril_modules()
[docs] def register_module(self, detection_module: DetectionModule): """Registers a detection module with the module loader""" if not isinstance(detection_module, DetectionModule): raise ValueError("The passed variable is not a valid detection module") self._modules.append(detection_module)
[docs] def get_detection_modules( self, entry_point: Optional[EntryPoint] = None, white_list: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> List[DetectionModule]: """Gets registered detection modules :param entry_point: If specified: only return detection modules with this entry point :param white_list: If specified: only return whitelisted detection modules :return: The selected detection modules """ result = self._modules[:] if white_list: # Sanity check available_names = [type(module).__name__ for module in result] for name in white_list: if name not in available_names: raise DetectorNotFoundError( "Invalid detection module: {}".format(name) ) result = [ module for module in result if type(module).__name__ in white_list ] if args.use_integer_module is False: result = [ module for module in result if type(module).__name__ != "IntegerArithmetics" ] if entry_point: result = [module for module in result if module.entry_point == entry_point] return result
def _register_mythril_modules(self): self._modules.extend( [ ArbitraryJump(), ArbitraryStorage(), ArbitraryDelegateCall(), PredictableVariables(), TxOrigin(), EtherThief(), Exceptions(), ExternalCalls(), IntegerArithmetics(), MultipleSends(), StateChangeAfterCall(), AccidentallyKillable(), UncheckedRetval(), UserAssertions(), ] )