Source code for mythril.analysis.module.modules.integer

"""This module contains the detection code for integer overflows and

from math import log2, ceil
from typing import cast, List, Set
from mythril.analysis import solver
from mythril.analysis.issue_annotation import IssueAnnotation
from import Issue
from mythril.analysis.swc_data import INTEGER_OVERFLOW_AND_UNDERFLOW
from mythril.exceptions import UnsatError
from mythril.laser.ethereum.state.global_state import GlobalState
from mythril.laser.ethereum.state.annotation import StateAnnotation
from mythril.analysis.module.base import DetectionModule, EntryPoint
from copy import copy

from mythril.laser.smt import (

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class OverUnderflowAnnotation: """Symbol Annotation used if a BitVector can overflow""" def __init__( self, overflowing_state: GlobalState, operator: str, constraint: Bool ) -> None: self.overflowing_state = overflowing_state self.operator = operator self.constraint = constraint def __deepcopy__(self, memodict={}): new_annotation = copy(self) return new_annotation
[docs]class OverUnderflowStateAnnotation(StateAnnotation): """State Annotation used if an overflow is both possible and used in the annotated path""" def __init__(self) -> None: self.overflowing_state_annotations = set() # type: Set[OverUnderflowAnnotation] def __copy__(self): new_annotation = OverUnderflowStateAnnotation() new_annotation.overflowing_state_annotations = copy( self.overflowing_state_annotations ) return new_annotation
[docs]class IntegerArithmetics(DetectionModule): """This module searches for integer over- and underflows.""" name = "Integer overflow or underflow" swc_id = INTEGER_OVERFLOW_AND_UNDERFLOW description = ( "For every SUB instruction, check if there's a possible state " "where op1 > op0. For every ADD, MUL instruction, check if " "there's a possible state where op1 + op0 > 2^32 - 1" ) entry_point = EntryPoint.CALLBACK pre_hooks = [ "ADD", "MUL", "EXP", "SUB", "SSTORE", "JUMPI", "STOP", "RETURN", "CALL", ] def __init__(self) -> None: """ Cache satisfiability of overflow constraints """ super().__init__() self._ostates_satisfiable = set() # type: Set[GlobalState] self._ostates_unsatisfiable = set() # type: Set[GlobalState]
[docs] def reset_module(self): """ Resets the module :return: """ super().reset_module() self._ostates_satisfiable = set() self._ostates_unsatisfiable = set()
def _execute(self, state: GlobalState) -> List[Issue]: """Executes analysis module for integer underflow and integer overflow. :param state: Statespace to analyse :return: Found issues """ opcode = state.get_current_instruction()["opcode"] funcs = { "ADD": [self._handle_add], "SUB": [self._handle_sub], "MUL": [self._handle_mul], "SSTORE": [self._handle_sstore], "JUMPI": [self._handle_jumpi], "CALL": [self._handle_call], "RETURN": [self._handle_return, self._handle_transaction_end], "STOP": [self._handle_transaction_end], "EXP": [self._handle_exp], } results = [] for func in funcs[opcode]: result = func(state) if result and len(result) > 0: results += result return results def _get_args(self, state): stack = state.mstate.stack op0, op1 = ( self._make_bitvec_if_not(stack, -1), self._make_bitvec_if_not(stack, -2), ) return op0, op1 def _handle_add(self, state): op0, op1 = self._get_args(state) c = Not(BVAddNoOverflow(op0, op1, False)) annotation = OverUnderflowAnnotation(state, "addition", c) op0.annotate(annotation) def _handle_mul(self, state): op0, op1 = self._get_args(state) c = Not(BVMulNoOverflow(op0, op1, False)) annotation = OverUnderflowAnnotation(state, "multiplication", c) op0.annotate(annotation) def _handle_sub(self, state): op0, op1 = self._get_args(state) c = Not(BVSubNoUnderflow(op0, op1, False)) annotation = OverUnderflowAnnotation(state, "subtraction", c) op0.annotate(annotation) def _handle_exp(self, state): op0, op1 = self._get_args(state) if (op1.symbolic is False and op1.value == 0) or ( op0.symbolic is False and op0.value < 2 ): return if op0.symbolic and op1.symbolic: constraint = And( op1 > symbol_factory.BitVecVal(256, 256), op0 > symbol_factory.BitVecVal(1, 256), ) elif op0.symbolic: constraint = op0 >= symbol_factory.BitVecVal( 2 ** ceil(256 / op1.value), 256 ) else: constraint = op1 >= symbol_factory.BitVecVal( ceil(256 / log2(op0.value)), 256 ) annotation = OverUnderflowAnnotation(state, "exponentiation", constraint) op0.annotate(annotation) @staticmethod def _make_bitvec_if_not(stack, index): value = stack[index] if isinstance(value, BitVec): return value if isinstance(value, Bool): return If(value, 1, 0) stack[index] = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(value, 256) return stack[index] @staticmethod def _get_title(_type): return "Integer {}".format(_type) @staticmethod def _handle_sstore(state: GlobalState) -> None: stack = state.mstate.stack value = stack[-2] if not isinstance(value, Expression): return state_annotation = _get_overflowunderflow_state_annotation(state) for annotation in value.annotations: if isinstance(annotation, OverUnderflowAnnotation): state_annotation.overflowing_state_annotations.add(annotation) @staticmethod def _handle_jumpi(state): stack = state.mstate.stack value = stack[-2] state_annotation = _get_overflowunderflow_state_annotation(state) for annotation in value.annotations: if isinstance(annotation, OverUnderflowAnnotation): state_annotation.overflowing_state_annotations.add(annotation) @staticmethod def _handle_call(state): stack = state.mstate.stack value = stack[-3] state_annotation = _get_overflowunderflow_state_annotation(state) for annotation in value.annotations: if isinstance(annotation, OverUnderflowAnnotation): state_annotation.overflowing_state_annotations.add(annotation) @staticmethod def _handle_return(state: GlobalState) -> None: """ Adds all the annotations into the state which correspond to the locations in the memory returned by RETURN opcode. :param state: The Global State """ stack = state.mstate.stack offset, length = stack[-1], stack[-2] state_annotation = _get_overflowunderflow_state_annotation(state) for element in state.mstate.memory[offset : offset + length]: if not isinstance(element, Expression): continue for annotation in element.annotations: if isinstance(annotation, OverUnderflowAnnotation): state_annotation.overflowing_state_annotations.add(annotation) def _handle_transaction_end(self, state: GlobalState) -> List[Issue]: state_annotation = _get_overflowunderflow_state_annotation(state) issues = [] for annotation in state_annotation.overflowing_state_annotations: ostate = annotation.overflowing_state if ostate in self._ostates_unsatisfiable: continue if ostate not in self._ostates_satisfiable: try: constraints = ostate.world_state.constraints + [ annotation.constraint ] solver.get_model(constraints) self._ostates_satisfiable.add(ostate) except: self._ostates_unsatisfiable.add(ostate) continue log.debug( "Checking overflow in {} at transaction end address {}, ostate address {}".format( state.get_current_instruction()["opcode"], state.get_current_instruction()["address"], ostate.get_current_instruction()["address"], ) ) try: constraints = state.world_state.constraints + [annotation.constraint] transaction_sequence = solver.get_transaction_sequence( state, constraints ) except UnsatError: continue description_head = "The arithmetic operator can {}.".format( "underflow" if annotation.operator == "subtraction" else "overflow" ) description_tail = "It is possible to cause an integer overflow or underflow in the arithmetic operation. " "Prevent this by constraining inputs using the require() statement or use the OpenZeppelin " "SafeMath library for integer arithmetic operations. " "Refer to the transaction trace generated for this issue to reproduce the issue." issue = Issue( contract=ostate.environment.active_account.contract_name, function_name=ostate.environment.active_function_name, address=ostate.get_current_instruction()["address"], swc_id=INTEGER_OVERFLOW_AND_UNDERFLOW, bytecode=ostate.environment.code.bytecode, title="Integer Arithmetic Bugs", severity="High", description_head=description_head, description_tail=description_tail, gas_used=(state.mstate.min_gas_used, state.mstate.max_gas_used), transaction_sequence=transaction_sequence, ) state.annotate( IssueAnnotation( issue=issue, detector=self, conditions=[And(*constraints)] ) ) issues.append(issue) return issues
detector = IntegerArithmetics() def _get_address_from_state(state): return state.get_current_instruction()["address"] def _get_overflowunderflow_state_annotation( state: GlobalState, ) -> OverUnderflowStateAnnotation: state_annotations = cast( List[OverUnderflowStateAnnotation], list(state.get_annotations(OverUnderflowStateAnnotation)), ) if len(state_annotations) == 0: state_annotation = OverUnderflowStateAnnotation() state.annotate(state_annotation) return state_annotation else: return state_annotations[0]