Source code for mythril.disassembler.disassembly

"""This module contains the class used to represent disassembly code."""
from mythril.ethereum import util
from mythril.disassembler import asm
from import SignatureDB

from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

[docs]class Disassembly(object): """Disassembly class. Stores bytecode, and its disassembly. Additionally it will gather the following information on the existing functions in the disassembled code: - function hashes - function name to entry point mapping - function entry point to function name mapping """ def __init__(self, code: str, enable_online_lookup: bool = False) -> None: """ :param code: :param enable_online_lookup: """ self.bytecode = code if type(code) == str: self.instruction_list = asm.disassemble(util.safe_decode(code)) else: self.instruction_list = asm.disassemble(code) self.func_hashes = [] # type: List[str] self.function_name_to_address = {} # type: Dict[str, int] self.address_to_function_name = {} # type: Dict[int, str] self.enable_online_lookup = enable_online_lookup self.assign_bytecode(bytecode=code)
[docs] def assign_bytecode(self, bytecode): self.bytecode = bytecode # open from default locations # control if you want to have online signature hash lookups signatures = SignatureDB(enable_online_lookup=self.enable_online_lookup) self.instruction_list = asm.disassemble(bytecode) # Need to take from PUSH1 to PUSH4 because solc seems to remove excess 0s at the beginning for optimizing jump_table_indices = asm.find_op_code_sequence( [("PUSH1", "PUSH2", "PUSH3", "PUSH4"), ("EQ",)], self.instruction_list ) for index in jump_table_indices: function_hash, jump_target, function_name = get_function_info( index, self.instruction_list, signatures ) self.func_hashes.append(function_hash) if jump_target is not None and function_name is not None: self.function_name_to_address[function_name] = jump_target self.address_to_function_name[jump_target] = function_name
[docs] def get_easm(self): """ :return: """ return asm.instruction_list_to_easm(self.instruction_list)
[docs]def get_function_info( index: int, instruction_list: list, signature_database: SignatureDB ) -> Tuple[str, int, str]: """Finds the function information for a call table entry Solidity uses the first 4 bytes of the calldata to indicate which function the message call should execute The generated code that directs execution to the correct function looks like this: - PUSH function_hash - EQ - PUSH entry_point - JUMPI This function takes an index that points to the first instruction, and from that finds out the function hash, function entry and the function name. :param index: Start of the entry pattern :param instruction_list: Instruction list for the contract that is being analyzed :param signature_database: Database used to map function hashes to their respective function names :return: function hash, function entry point, function name """ # Append with missing 0s at the beginning if type(instruction_list[index]["argument"]) == tuple: try: function_hash = "0x" + bytes( instruction_list[index]["argument"] ).hex().rjust(8, "0") except AttributeError: raise ValueError( "Mythril currently does not support symbolic function signatures" ) else: function_hash = "0x" + instruction_list[index]["argument"][2:].rjust(8, "0") function_names = signature_database.get(function_hash) if len(function_names) > 0: function_name = " or ".join(set(function_names)) else: function_name = "_function_" + function_hash try: offset = instruction_list[index + 2]["argument"] if type(offset) == tuple: offset = bytes(offset).hex() entry_point = int(offset, 16) except (KeyError, IndexError): return function_hash, None, None return function_hash, entry_point, function_name