Source code for mythril.interfaces.cli

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Bug hunting on the Ethereum blockchain

import argparse
import json
import logging
import os
import sys

import coloredlogs
import traceback
from ast import literal_eval

import as sigs
from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace, RawTextHelpFormatter
from mythril.concolic import concolic_execution
from mythril.exceptions import (
from mythril.laser.ethereum.transaction.symbolic import ACTORS
from mythril.plugin.discovery import PluginDiscovery
from mythril.plugin.loader import MythrilPluginLoader

from mythril.mythril import MythrilAnalyzer, MythrilDisassembler, MythrilConfig

from mythril.analysis.module import ModuleLoader
from import Report

from mythril.__version__ import __version__ as VERSION

# Initialise core Mythril Component
_ = MythrilPluginLoader()

ANALYZE_LIST = ("analyze", "a")
DISASSEMBLE_LIST = ("disassemble", "d")

CONCOLIC_LIST = ("concolic", "c")
SAFE_FUNCTIONS_COMMAND = "safe-functions"
READ_STORAGE_COMNAND = "read-storage"
FUNCTION_TO_HASH_COMMAND = "function-to-hash"
HASH_TO_ADDRESS_COMMAND = "hash-to-address"
LIST_DETECTORS_COMMAND = "list-detectors"

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    + (

[docs]def exit_with_error(format_, message): """ Exits with error :param format_: The format of the message :param message: message """ if format_ == "text" or format_ == "markdown": log.error(message) elif format_ == "json": result = {"success": False, "error": str(message), "issues": []} print(json.dumps(result)) else: result = [ { "issues": [], "sourceType": "", "sourceFormat": "", "sourceList": [], "meta": {"logs": [{"level": "error", "hidden": True, "msg": message}]}, } ] print(json.dumps(result)) sys.exit()
[docs]def get_runtime_input_parser() -> ArgumentParser: """ Returns Parser which handles input :return: Parser which handles input """ parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument( "-a", "--address", help="pull contract from the blockchain", metavar="CONTRACT_ADDRESS", ) parser.add_argument( "--bin-runtime", action="store_true", help="Only when -c or -f is used. Consider the input bytecode as binary runtime code, default being the contract creation bytecode.", ) return parser
[docs]def get_creation_input_parser() -> ArgumentParser: """ Returns Parser which handles input :return: Parser which handles input """ parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--code", help='hex-encoded bytecode string ("6060604052...")', metavar="BYTECODE", ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--codefile", help="file containing hex-encoded bytecode string", metavar="BYTECODEFILE", type=argparse.FileType("r"), ) return parser
[docs]def get_safe_functions_parser() -> ArgumentParser: """ Returns Parser which handles checking for safe functions :return: Parser which handles checking for safe functions """ parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--code", help='hex-encoded bytecode string ("6060604052...")', metavar="BYTECODE", ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--codefile", help="file containing hex-encoded bytecode string", metavar="BYTECODEFILE", type=argparse.FileType("r"), ) return parser
[docs]def get_output_parser() -> ArgumentParser: """ Get parser which handles output :return: Parser which handles output """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--outform", choices=["text", "markdown", "json", "jsonv2"], default="text", help="report output format", metavar="<text/markdown/json/jsonv2>", ) return parser
[docs]def get_rpc_parser() -> ArgumentParser: """ Get parser which handles RPC flags :return: Parser which handles rpc inputs """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument( "--rpc", help="custom RPC settings", metavar="HOST:PORT / ganache / infura-[network_name]", default="infura-mainnet", ) parser.add_argument( "--rpctls", type=bool, default=False, help="RPC connection over TLS" ) parser.add_argument("--infura-id", help="set infura id for onchain analysis") return parser
[docs]def get_utilities_parser() -> ArgumentParser: """ Get parser which handles utilities flags :return: Parser which handles utility flags """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument( "--solc-json", help="Json for the optional 'settings' parameter of solc's standard-json input", ) parser.add_argument( "--solv", help="specify solidity compiler version. If not present, will try to install it (Experimental)", metavar="SOLV", ) return parser
[docs]def create_concolic_parser(parser: ArgumentParser) -> ArgumentParser: """ Get parser which handles arguments for concolic branch flipping """ parser.add_argument( "input", help="The input jsonv2 file with concrete data", ) parser.add_argument( "--branches", help="branch addresses to be flipped. usage: --branches 34,6f8,16a", required=True, metavar="BRANCH", ) parser.add_argument( "--solver-timeout", type=int, default=100000, help="The maximum amount of time(in milli seconds) the solver spends for queries from analysis modules", ) return parser
[docs]def main() -> None: """The main CLI interface entry point.""" rpc_parser = get_rpc_parser() utilities_parser = get_utilities_parser() runtime_input_parser = get_runtime_input_parser() creation_input_parser = get_creation_input_parser() output_parser = get_output_parser() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Security analysis of Ethereum smart contracts" ) parser.add_argument("--epic", action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( "-v", type=int, help="log level (0-5)", metavar="LOG_LEVEL", default=2 ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="command", help="Commands") safe_function_parser = subparsers.add_parser( SAFE_FUNCTIONS_COMMAND, help="Check functions which are completely safe using symbolic execution", parents=[ rpc_parser, utilities_parser, creation_input_parser, runtime_input_parser, output_parser, ], formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter, ) analyzer_parser = subparsers.add_parser( ANALYZE_LIST[0], help="Triggers the analysis of the smart contract", parents=[ rpc_parser, utilities_parser, creation_input_parser, runtime_input_parser, output_parser, ], aliases=ANALYZE_LIST[1:], formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter, ) create_safe_functions_parser(safe_function_parser) create_analyzer_parser(analyzer_parser) disassemble_parser = subparsers.add_parser( DISASSEMBLE_LIST[0], help="Disassembles the smart contract", aliases=DISASSEMBLE_LIST[1:], parents=[ rpc_parser, utilities_parser, creation_input_parser, runtime_input_parser, ], formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter, ) create_disassemble_parser(disassemble_parser) if PluginDiscovery().is_installed("myth_concolic_execution"): concolic_parser = subparsers.add_parser( CONCOLIC_LIST[0], help="Runs concolic execution to flip the desired branches", aliases=CONCOLIC_LIST[1:], parents=[], formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter, ) create_concolic_parser(concolic_parser) subparsers.add_parser( LIST_DETECTORS_COMMAND, parents=[output_parser], help="Lists available detection modules", ) read_storage_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "read-storage", help="Retrieves storage slots from a given address through rpc", parents=[rpc_parser], ) contract_func_to_hash = subparsers.add_parser( FUNCTION_TO_HASH_COMMAND, help="Returns the hash signature of the function" ) contract_hash_to_addr = subparsers.add_parser( HASH_TO_ADDRESS_COMMAND, help="converts the hashes in the blockchain to ethereum address", ) subparsers.add_parser( VERSION_COMMAND, parents=[output_parser], help="Outputs the version" ) create_read_storage_parser(read_storage_parser) create_hash_to_addr_parser(contract_hash_to_addr) create_func_to_hash_parser(contract_func_to_hash) subparsers.add_parser(HELP_COMMAND, add_help=False) # Get config values args = parser.parse_args() parse_args_and_execute(parser=parser, args=args)
[docs]def create_disassemble_parser(parser: ArgumentParser): """ Modify parser to handle disassembly :param parser: :return: """ # Using nargs=* would the implementation below for getting code for both disassemble and analyze parser.add_argument( "solidity_files", nargs="*", help="Inputs file name and contract name. Currently supports a single contract\n" "usage: file1.sol:OptionalContractName", )
[docs]def create_read_storage_parser(read_storage_parser: ArgumentParser): """ Modify parser to handle storage slots :param read_storage_parser: :return: """ read_storage_parser.add_argument( "storage_slots", help="read state variables from storage index", metavar="INDEX,NUM_SLOTS,[array] / mapping,INDEX,[KEY1, KEY2...]", ) read_storage_parser.add_argument( "address", help="contract address", metavar="ADDRESS" )
[docs]def create_func_to_hash_parser(parser: ArgumentParser): """ Modify parser to handle func_to_hash command :param parser: :return: """ parser.add_argument( "func_name", help="calculate function signature hash", metavar="SIGNATURE" )
[docs]def create_hash_to_addr_parser(hash_parser: ArgumentParser): """ Modify parser to handle hash_to_addr command :param hash_parser: :return: """ hash_parser.add_argument( "hash", help="Find the address from hash", metavar="FUNCTION_NAME" )
[docs]def add_graph_commands(parser: ArgumentParser): commands = parser.add_argument_group("commands") commands.add_argument("-g", "--graph", help="generate a control flow graph") commands.add_argument( "-j", "--statespace-json", help="dumps the statespace json", metavar="OUTPUT_FILE", )
[docs]def create_safe_functions_parser(parser: ArgumentParser): """ The duplication exists between safe-functions and analyze as some of them have different default values. :param parser: Parser """ parser.add_argument( "solidity_files", nargs="*", help="Inputs file name and contract name. \n" "usage: file1.sol:OptionalContractName file2.sol file3.sol:OptionalContractName", ) options = parser.add_argument_group("options") add_analysis_args(options)
[docs]def add_analysis_args(options): """ Adds arguments for analysis :param options: Analysis Options """ options.add_argument( "-m", "--modules", help="Comma-separated list of security analysis modules", metavar="MODULES", ) options.add_argument( "--max-depth", type=int, default=128, help="Maximum recursion depth for symbolic execution", ) options.add_argument( "--call-depth-limit", type=int, default=3, help="Maximum call depth limit for symbolic execution", ) options.add_argument( "--strategy", choices=["dfs", "bfs", "naive-random", "weighted-random"], default="bfs", help="Symbolic execution strategy", ) options.add_argument( "--transaction-sequences", type=str, default=None, help="The possible transaction sequences to be executed. " "Like [[func_hash1, func_hash2], [func_hash2, func_hash3]] where for the first transaction is constrained " "with func_hash1 and func_hash2, and the second tx is constrained with func_hash2 and func_hash3", ) options.add_argument( "--beam-search", type=int, default=None, help="Beam search with with", ) options.add_argument( "-b", "--loop-bound", type=int, default=3, help="Bound loops at n iterations", metavar="N", ) options.add_argument( "-t", "--transaction-count", type=int, default=2, help="Maximum number of transactions issued by laser", ) options.add_argument( "--execution-timeout", type=int, default=86400, help="The amount of seconds to spend on symbolic execution", ) options.add_argument( "--solver-timeout", type=int, default=10000, help="The maximum amount of time(in milli seconds) the solver spends for queries from analysis modules", ) options.add_argument( "--create-timeout", type=int, default=10, help="The amount of seconds to spend on the initial contract creation", ) options.add_argument( "--parallel-solving", action="store_true", help="Enable solving z3 queries in parallel", ) options.add_argument( "--solver-log", help="Path to the directory for solver log", metavar="SOLVER_LOG", ) options.add_argument( "--no-onchain-data", action="store_true", help="Don't attempt to retrieve contract code, variables and balances from the blockchain", ) options.add_argument( "--pruning-factor", type=float, default=1, help="Checks for reachability at the rate of <pruning-factor> (range 0-1.0). Where 1.0 would mean checking for every execution", ) options.add_argument( "--unconstrained-storage", action="store_true", help="Default storage value is symbolic, turns off the on-chain storage loading", ) options.add_argument( "--phrack", action="store_true", help="Phrack-style call graph" ) options.add_argument( "--enable-physics", action="store_true", help="enable graph physics simulation" ) options.add_argument( "-q", "--query-signature", action="store_true", help="Lookup function signatures through", ) options.add_argument( "--enable-iprof", action="store_true", help="enable the instruction profiler" ) options.add_argument( "--disable-dependency-pruning", action="store_true", help="Deactivate dependency-based pruning", ) options.add_argument( "--enable-coverage-strategy", action="store_true", help="enable coverage based search strategy", ) options.add_argument( "--custom-modules-directory", help="designates a separate directory to search for custom analysis modules", metavar="CUSTOM_MODULES_DIRECTORY", ) options.add_argument( "--attacker-address", help="Designates a specific attacker address to use during analysis", metavar="ATTACKER_ADDRESS", ) options.add_argument( "--creator-address", help="Designates a specific creator address to use during analysis", metavar="CREATOR_ADDRESS", )
[docs]def create_analyzer_parser(analyzer_parser: ArgumentParser): """ Modify parser to handle analyze command :param analyzer_parser: :return: """ analyzer_parser.add_argument( "solidity_files", nargs="*", help="Inputs file name and contract name. \n" "usage: file1.sol:OptionalContractName file2.sol file3.sol:OptionalContractName", ) add_graph_commands(analyzer_parser) options = analyzer_parser.add_argument_group("options") add_analysis_args(options)
[docs]def validate_args(args: Namespace): """ Validate cli args :param args: :return: """ if args.__dict__.get("v", False): if 0 <= args.v < 6: log_levels = [ logging.NOTSET, logging.CRITICAL, logging.ERROR, logging.WARNING, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG, ] coloredlogs.install( fmt="%(name)s [%(levelname)s]: %(message)s", level=log_levels[args.v] ) logging.getLogger("mythril").setLevel(log_levels[args.v]) else: exit_with_error( args.outform, "Invalid -v value, you can find valid values in usage" ) if args.command in DISASSEMBLE_LIST and len(args.solidity_files) > 1: exit_with_error("text", "Only a single arg is supported for using disassemble") if args.__dict__.get("transaction_sequences", None): try: args.transaction_sequences = literal_eval(str(args.transaction_sequences)) except ValueError: exit_with_error( args.outform, "The transaction sequence is in incorrect format, It should be " "[list of possible function hashes in 1st transaction, " "list of possible func hashes in 2nd tx, ..]" "If any list is empty then all possible functions are considered for that transaction", ) if len(args.transaction_sequences) != args.transaction_count: args.transaction_count = len(args.transaction_sequences) if args.command in ANALYZE_LIST: if args.query_signature and sigs.ethereum_input_decoder is None: exit_with_error( args.outform, "The --query-signature function requires the python package ethereum-input-decoder", ) if args.enable_iprof and args.v < 4: exit_with_error( args.outform, "--enable-iprof must be used with -v LOG_LEVEL where LOG_LEVEL >= 4", )
[docs]def set_config(args: Namespace): """ Set config based on args :param args: :return: modified config """ config = MythrilConfig() if args.__dict__.get("infura_id", None): config.set_api_infura_id(args.infura_id) if (args.command in ANALYZE_LIST and not args.no_onchain_data) and not ( args.rpc or args.i ): config.set_api_from_config_path() if args.__dict__.get("rpc", None): # Establish RPC connection if necessary config.set_api_rpc(rpc=args.rpc, rpctls=args.rpctls) return config
[docs]def load_code(disassembler: MythrilDisassembler, args: Namespace): """ Loads code into disassembly and returns address :param disassembler: :param args: :return: Address """ address = None if args.__dict__.get("code", False): # Load from bytecode code = args.code[2:] if args.code.startswith("0x") else args.code address, _ = disassembler.load_from_bytecode(code, args.bin_runtime) elif args.__dict__.get("codefile", False): bytecode = "".join([l.strip() for l in args.codefile if len(l.strip()) > 0]) bytecode = bytecode[2:] if bytecode.startswith("0x") else bytecode address, _ = disassembler.load_from_bytecode(bytecode, args.bin_runtime) elif args.__dict__.get("address", False): # Get bytecode from a contract address address, _ = disassembler.load_from_address(args.address) elif args.__dict__.get("solidity_files", False): # Compile Solidity source file(s) if args.command in ANALYZE_LIST and args.graph and len(args.solidity_files) > 1: exit_with_error( args.outform, "Cannot generate call graphs from multiple input files. Please do it one at a time.", ) address, _ = disassembler.load_from_solidity( args.solidity_files ) # list of files else: exit_with_error( args.__dict__.get("outform", "text"), "No input bytecode. Please provide EVM code via -c BYTECODE, -a ADDRESS, -f BYTECODE_FILE or <SOLIDITY_FILE>", ) return address
[docs]def execute_command( disassembler: MythrilDisassembler, address: str, parser: ArgumentParser, args: Namespace, ): """ Execute command :param disassembler: :param address: :param parser: :param args: :return: """ if args.__dict__.get("beam_search"): strategy = f"beam-search: {args.beam_search}" else: strategy = args.__dict__.get("strategy") if args.command == "read-storage": storage = disassembler.get_state_variable_from_storage( address=address, params=[a.strip() for a in args.storage_slots.strip().split(",")], ) print(storage) elif args.command in DISASSEMBLE_LIST: if disassembler.contracts[0].code: print("Runtime Disassembly: \n" + disassembler.contracts[0].get_easm()) if disassembler.contracts[0].creation_code: print("Disassembly: \n" + disassembler.contracts[0].get_creation_easm()) elif args.command == SAFE_FUNCTIONS_COMMAND: args.unconstrained_storage = True args.pruning_factor = 1 args.disable_dependency_pruning = True args.no_onchain_data = True function_analyzer = MythrilAnalyzer( strategy=strategy, disassembler=disassembler, address=address, cmd_args=args ) try: report = function_analyzer.fire_lasers( modules=[m.strip() for m in args.modules.strip().split(",")] if args.modules else None, transaction_count=1, ) print_function_report(disassembler, report) except DetectorNotFoundError as e: exit_with_error("text", format(e)) except CriticalError as e: exit_with_error("text", "Analysis error encountered: " + format(e)) elif args.command in ANALYZE_LIST: analyzer = MythrilAnalyzer( strategy=strategy, disassembler=disassembler, address=address, cmd_args=args ) if not disassembler.contracts: exit_with_error( args.outform, "input files do not contain any valid contracts" ) if args.attacker_address: try: ACTORS["ATTACKER"] = args.attacker_address except ValueError: exit_with_error(args.outform, "Attacker address is invalid") if args.creator_address: try: ACTORS["CREATOR"] = args.creator_address except ValueError: exit_with_error(args.outform, "Creator address is invalid") if args.graph: html = analyzer.graph_html( contract=analyzer.contracts[0], enable_physics=args.enable_physics, phrackify=args.phrack, transaction_count=args.transaction_count, ) try: with open(args.graph, "w") as f: f.write(html) except Exception as e: exit_with_error(args.outform, "Error saving graph: " + str(e)) elif args.statespace_json: if not analyzer.contracts: exit_with_error( args.outform, "input files do not contain any valid contracts" ) statespace = analyzer.dump_statespace(contract=analyzer.contracts[0]) try: with open(args.statespace_json, "w") as f: json.dump(statespace, f) except Exception as e: exit_with_error(args.outform, "Error saving json: " + str(e)) else: try: report = analyzer.fire_lasers( modules=[m.strip() for m in args.modules.strip().split(",")] if args.modules else None, transaction_count=args.transaction_count, ) outputs = { "json": report.as_json(), "jsonv2": report.as_swc_standard_format(), "text": report.as_text(), "markdown": report.as_markdown(), } print(outputs[args.outform]) if len(report.issues) > 0: exit(1) else: exit(0) except DetectorNotFoundError as e: exit_with_error(args.outform, format(e)) except CriticalError as e: exit_with_error( args.outform, "Analysis error encountered: " + format(e) ) else: parser.print_help()
[docs]def contract_hash_to_address(args: Namespace): """ prints the hash from function signature :param args: :return: """ print(MythrilDisassembler.hash_for_function_signature(args.func_name)) sys.exit()
[docs]def parse_args_and_execute(parser: ArgumentParser, args: Namespace) -> None: """ Parses the arguments :param parser: The parser :param args: The args """ if args.epic: path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) sys.argv.remove("--epic") os.system(" ".join(sys.argv) + " | python3 " + path + "/") sys.exit() if args.command not in COMMAND_LIST or args.command is None: parser.print_help() sys.exit() if args.command == VERSION_COMMAND: if args.outform == "json": print(json.dumps({"version_str": VERSION})) else: print("Mythril version {}".format(VERSION)) sys.exit() if args.command == LIST_DETECTORS_COMMAND: modules = [] for module in ModuleLoader().get_detection_modules(): modules.append({"classname": type(module).__name__, "title":}) if args.outform == "json": print(json.dumps(modules)) else: for module_data in modules: print("{}: {}".format(module_data["classname"], module_data["title"])) sys.exit() if args.command == HELP_COMMAND: parser.print_help() sys.exit() if args.command in CONCOLIC_LIST: _ = MythrilConfig.init_mythril_dir() with open(args.input) as f: concrete_data = json.load(f) output_list = concolic_execution( concrete_data, args.branches.split(","), args.solver_timeout ) json.dump(output_list, sys.stdout, indent=4) sys.exit() # Parse cmdline args validate_args(args) try: if args.command == FUNCTION_TO_HASH_COMMAND: contract_hash_to_address(args) config = set_config(args) query_signature = args.__dict__.get("query_signature", None) solc_json = args.__dict__.get("solc_json", None) solv = args.__dict__.get("solv", None) disassembler = MythrilDisassembler( eth=config.eth, solc_version=solv, solc_settings_json=solc_json, enable_online_lookup=query_signature, ) address = load_code(disassembler, args) execute_command( disassembler=disassembler, address=address, parser=parser, args=args ) except CriticalError as ce: exit_with_error(args.__dict__.get("outform", "text"), str(ce)) except Exception: exit_with_error(args.__dict__.get("outform", "text"), traceback.format_exc())
if __name__ == "__main__": main()