Source code for mythril.laser.ethereum.function_managers.keccak_function_manager

from mythril.laser.smt import (

from import sha3
from typing import Dict, Tuple, List, Optional

import logging

TOTAL_PARTS = 10**40
PART = (2**256 - 1) // TOTAL_PARTS
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class KeccakFunctionManager: """ A bunch of uninterpreted functions are considered like keccak256_160 ,... where keccak256_160 means the input of keccak256() is 160 bit number. the range of these functions are constrained to some mutually disjoint intervals All the hashes modulo 64 are 0 as we need a spread among hashes for array type data structures All the functions are kind of one to one due to constraint of the existence of inverse for each encountered input. For more info """ hash_matcher = "fffffff" # This is usually the prefix for the hash in the output def __init__(self): self.store_function: Dict[int, Tuple[Function, Function]] = {} self.interval_hook_for_size: Dict[int, int] = {} self._index_counter = TOTAL_PARTS - 34534 self.hash_result_store: Dict[int, List[BitVec]] = {} self.quick_inverse: Dict[BitVec, BitVec] = {} # This is for VMTests self.concrete_hashes: Dict[BitVec, BitVec] = {} self.symbolic_inputs: Dict[int, List[BitVec]] = {}
[docs] def reset(self): self.store_function = {} self.interval_hook_for_size = {} self.hash_result_store: Dict[int, List[BitVec]] = {} self.quick_inverse = {} self.concrete_hashes = {} self.symbolic_inputs = {}
[docs] @staticmethod def find_concrete_keccak(data: BitVec) -> BitVec: """ Calculates concrete keccak :param data: input bitvecval :return: concrete keccak output """ keccak = symbol_factory.BitVecVal( int.from_bytes( sha3(data.value.to_bytes(data.size() // 8, byteorder="big")), "big" ), 256, ) return keccak
[docs] def get_function(self, length: int) -> Tuple[Function, Function]: """ Returns the keccak functions for the corresponding length :param length: input size :return: tuple of keccak and it's inverse """ try: func, inverse = self.store_function[length] except KeyError: func = Function("keccak256_{}".format(length), [length], 256) inverse = Function("keccak256_{}-1".format(length), [256], length) self.store_function[length] = (func, inverse) self.hash_result_store[length] = [] return func, inverse
[docs] @staticmethod def get_empty_keccak_hash() -> BitVec: """ returns sha3("") :return: """ val = 89477152217924674838424037953991966239322087453347756267410168184682657981552 return symbol_factory.BitVecVal(val, 256)
[docs] def create_keccak(self, data: BitVec) -> BitVec: """ Creates Keccak of the data :param data: input :return: Tuple of keccak and the condition it should satisfy """ length = data.size() func, _ = self.get_function(length) if data.symbolic is False: concrete_hash = self.find_concrete_keccak(data) self.concrete_hashes[data] = concrete_hash return concrete_hash if length not in self.symbolic_inputs: self.symbolic_inputs[length] = [] self.symbolic_inputs[length].append(data) self.hash_result_store[length].append(func(data)) return func(data)
[docs] def create_conditions(self) -> Bool: condition = symbol_factory.Bool(True) for inputs_list in self.symbolic_inputs.values(): for symbolic_input in inputs_list: condition = And( condition, self._create_condition(func_input=symbolic_input) ) for concrete_input, concrete_hash in self.concrete_hashes.items(): func, inverse = self.get_function(concrete_input.size()) condition = And( condition, func(concrete_input) == concrete_hash, inverse(func(concrete_input)) == concrete_input, ) return condition
[docs] def get_concrete_hash_data(self, model) -> Dict[int, List[Optional[int]]]: """ returns concrete values of hashes in the self.hash_result_store :param model: The z3 model to query for concrete values :return: A dictionary with concrete hashes { <hash_input_size> : [<concrete_hash>, <concrete_hash>]} """ concrete_hashes = {} # type: Dict[int, List[Optional[int]]] for size in self.hash_result_store: concrete_hashes[size] = [] for val in self.hash_result_store[size]: eval_ = model.eval(val.raw) try: concrete_val = eval_.as_long() concrete_hashes[size].append(concrete_val) except AttributeError: continue return concrete_hashes
def _create_condition(self, func_input: BitVec) -> Bool: """ Creates the constraints for hash :param func_input: input of the hash :return: condition """ length = func_input.size() func, inv = self.get_function(length) try: index = self.interval_hook_for_size[length] except KeyError: self.interval_hook_for_size[length] = self._index_counter index = self._index_counter self._index_counter -= INTERVAL_DIFFERENCE lower_bound = index * PART upper_bound = lower_bound + PART cond = And( inv(func(func_input)) == func_input, ULE(symbol_factory.BitVecVal(lower_bound, 256), func(func_input)), ULT(func(func_input), symbol_factory.BitVecVal(upper_bound, 256)), URem(func(func_input), symbol_factory.BitVecVal(64, 256)) == 0, ) concrete_cond = symbol_factory.Bool(False) for key, keccak in self.concrete_hashes.items(): if key.size() == func_input.size(): hash_eq = And(func(func_input) == keccak, key == func_input) concrete_cond = Or(concrete_cond, hash_eq) return And(inv(func(func_input)) == func_input, Or(cond, concrete_cond))
keccak_function_manager = KeccakFunctionManager()