Source code for mythril.laser.ethereum.instructions

"""This module contains a representation class for EVM instructions and
transitions between them."""
import logging

from copy import copy, deepcopy
from typing import cast, Callable, List, Union, Tuple

from mythril.laser.smt import (
from mythril.laser.smt import symbol_factory

from mythril.disassembler.disassembly import Disassembly

from mythril.laser.ethereum.state.calldata import ConcreteCalldata, SymbolicCalldata

import mythril.laser.ethereum.util as helper
from mythril.laser.ethereum import util
from mythril.laser.ethereum.function_managers import (

from import (
from mythril.laser.ethereum.evm_exceptions import (
from mythril.laser.ethereum.instruction_data import get_opcode_gas, calculate_sha3_gas
from mythril.laser.ethereum.state.global_state import GlobalState
from mythril.laser.ethereum.state.return_data import ReturnData

from mythril.laser.ethereum.transaction import (

from import get_code_hash

from import DynLoader

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

TT256 = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, 256)
TT256M1 = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(2**256 - 1, 256)

[docs]def transfer_ether( global_state: GlobalState, sender: BitVec, receiver: BitVec, value: Union[int, BitVec], ): """ Perform an Ether transfer between two accounts :param global_state: The global state in which the Ether transfer occurs :param sender: The sender of the Ether :param receiver: The recipient of the Ether :param value: The amount of Ether to send :return: """ value = value if isinstance(value, BitVec) else symbol_factory.BitVecVal(value, 256) global_state.world_state.constraints.append( UGE(global_state.world_state.balances[sender], value) ) global_state.world_state.balances[receiver] += value global_state.world_state.balances[sender] -= value
[docs]class StateTransition(object): """Decorator that handles global state copy and original return. This decorator calls the decorated instruction mutator function on a copy of the state that is passed to it. After the call, the resulting new states' program counter is automatically incremented if `increment_pc=True`. """ def __init__( self, increment_pc=True, enable_gas=True, is_state_mutation_instruction=False ): """ :param increment_pc: :param enable_gas: :param is_state_mutation_instruction: The function mutates state """ self.increment_pc = increment_pc self.enable_gas = enable_gas self.is_state_mutation_instruction = is_state_mutation_instruction
[docs] @staticmethod def call_on_state_copy(func: Callable, func_obj: "Instruction", state: GlobalState): """ :param func: :param func_obj: :param state: :return: """ global_state_copy = copy(state) return func(func_obj, global_state_copy)
[docs] def increment_states_pc(self, states: List[GlobalState]) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param states: :return: """ if self.increment_pc: for state in states: state.mstate.pc += 1 return states
[docs] @staticmethod def check_gas_usage_limit(global_state: GlobalState): """ :param global_state: :return: """ global_state.mstate.check_gas() if isinstance(global_state.current_transaction.gas_limit, BitVec): value = global_state.current_transaction.gas_limit.value if value is None: return global_state.current_transaction.gas_limit = value if ( global_state.mstate.min_gas_used >= global_state.current_transaction.gas_limit ): raise OutOfGasException()
[docs] def accumulate_gas(self, global_state: GlobalState): """ :param global_state: :return: """ if not self.enable_gas: return global_state opcode = global_state.instruction["opcode"] min_gas, max_gas = get_opcode_gas(opcode) global_state.mstate.min_gas_used += min_gas global_state.mstate.max_gas_used += max_gas self.check_gas_usage_limit(global_state) return global_state
def __call__(self, func: Callable) -> Callable: def wrapper( func_obj: "Instruction", global_state: GlobalState ) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param func_obj: :param global_state: :return: """ if self.is_state_mutation_instruction and global_state.environment.static: raise WriteProtection( "The function {} cannot be executed in a static call".format( func.__name__[:-1] ) ) new_global_states = self.call_on_state_copy(func, func_obj, global_state) new_global_states = [ self.accumulate_gas(state) for state in new_global_states ] return self.increment_states_pc(new_global_states) return wrapper
[docs]class Instruction: """Instruction class is used to mutate a state according to the current instruction.""" def __init__( self, op_code: str, dynamic_loader: DynLoader, pre_hooks: List[Callable] = None, post_hooks: List[Callable] = None, ) -> None: """ :param op_code: :param dynamic_loader: :param iprof: """ self.dynamic_loader = dynamic_loader self.op_code = op_code.upper() self.pre_hook = pre_hooks if pre_hooks else [] self.post_hook = post_hooks if post_hooks else [] def _execute_pre_hooks(self, global_state: GlobalState): for hook in self.pre_hook: hook(global_state) def _execute_post_hooks(self, global_state: GlobalState): for hook in self.post_hook: hook(global_state)
[docs] def evaluate(self, global_state: GlobalState, post=False) -> List[GlobalState]: """Performs the mutation for this instruction. :param global_state: :param post: :return: """ # Generalize some ops log.debug("Evaluating %s at %i", self.op_code, global_state.mstate.pc) op = self.op_code.lower() if self.op_code.startswith("PUSH"): op = "push" elif self.op_code.startswith("DUP"): op = "dup" elif self.op_code.startswith("SWAP"): op = "swap" elif self.op_code.startswith("LOG"): op = "log" instruction_mutator = ( getattr(self, op + "_", None) if not post else getattr(self, op + "_" + "post", None) ) if instruction_mutator is None: raise NotImplementedError self._execute_pre_hooks(global_state) result = instruction_mutator(global_state) self._execute_post_hooks(global_state) return result
[docs] @StateTransition() def jumpdest_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def push_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ push_instruction = global_state.get_current_instruction() push_value = push_instruction["argument"] try: length_of_value = 2 * int(push_instruction["opcode"][4:]) except ValueError: raise VmException("Invalid Push instruction") if type(push_value) == tuple: if type(push_value[0]) == int: new_value = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(push_value[0], 8) else: new_value = push_value[0] if len(push_value) > 1: for val in push_value[1:]: if type(val) == int: new_value = Concat(new_value, symbol_factory.BitVecVal(val, 8)) else: new_value = Concat(new_value, val) pad_length = length_of_value // 2 - len(push_value) if pad_length > 0: new_value = Concat(new_value, symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, pad_length)) if new_value.size() < 256: new_value = Concat( symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, 256 - new_value.size()), new_value ) global_state.mstate.stack.append(new_value) else: push_value += "0" * max(length_of_value - (len(push_value) - 2), 0) global_state.mstate.stack.append( symbol_factory.BitVecVal(int(push_value, 16), 256) ) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def dup_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ value = int(global_state.get_current_instruction()["opcode"][3:], 10) global_state.mstate.stack.append(global_state.mstate.stack[-value]) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def swap_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ depth = int(self.op_code[4:]) stack = global_state.mstate.stack stack[-depth - 1], stack[-1] = stack[-1], stack[-depth - 1] return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def pop_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ global_state.mstate.stack.pop() return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def and_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ stack = global_state.mstate.stack op1, op2 = stack.pop(), stack.pop() if isinstance(op1, Bool): op1 = If( op1, symbol_factory.BitVecVal(1, 256), symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, 256) ) if isinstance(op2, Bool): op2 = If( op2, symbol_factory.BitVecVal(1, 256), symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, 256) ) if not isinstance(op1, Expression): op1 = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(op1, 256) if not isinstance(op2, Expression): op2 = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(op2, 256) stack.append(op1 & op2) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def or_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ stack = global_state.mstate.stack op1, op2 = stack.pop(), stack.pop() if isinstance(op1, Bool): op1 = If( op1, symbol_factory.BitVecVal(1, 256), symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, 256) ) if isinstance(op2, Bool): op2 = If( op2, symbol_factory.BitVecVal(1, 256), symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, 256) ) stack.append(op1 | op2) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def xor_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ mstate = global_state.mstate mstate.stack.append(mstate.stack.pop() ^ mstate.stack.pop()) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def not_(self, global_state: GlobalState): """ :param global_state: :return: """ mstate = global_state.mstate mstate.stack.append(TT256M1 - mstate.stack.pop()) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def byte_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ mstate = global_state.mstate op0, op1 = mstate.stack.pop(), mstate.stack.pop() if not isinstance(op1, Expression): op1 = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(op1, 256) try: index = util.get_concrete_int(op0) offset = (31 - index) * 8 if offset >= 0: result = simplify( Concat( symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, 248), Extract(offset + 7, offset, op1), ) ) # type: Union[int, Expression] else: result = 0 except TypeError: log.debug("BYTE: Unsupported symbolic byte offset") result = global_state.new_bitvec( str(simplify(op1)) + "[" + str(simplify(op0)) + "]", 256 ) mstate.stack.append(result) return [global_state]
# Arithmetic
[docs] @StateTransition() def add_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ global_state.mstate.stack.append( ( helper.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate) + helper.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate) ) ) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def sub_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ global_state.mstate.stack.append( ( helper.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate) - helper.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate) ) ) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def mul_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ global_state.mstate.stack.append( ( helper.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate) * helper.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate) ) ) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def div_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ op0, op1 = ( util.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate), util.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate), ) if op1 == 0: global_state.mstate.stack.append(symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, 256)) else: global_state.mstate.stack.append(UDiv(op0, op1)) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def sdiv_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ s0, s1 = ( util.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate), util.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate), ) if s1 == 0: global_state.mstate.stack.append(symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, 256)) else: global_state.mstate.stack.append(s0 / s1) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def mod_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ s0, s1 = ( util.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate), util.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate), ) global_state.mstate.stack.append(0 if s1 == 0 else URem(s0, s1)) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def shl_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: shift, value = ( util.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate), util.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate), ) global_state.mstate.stack.append(value << shift) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def shr_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: shift, value = ( util.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate), util.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate), ) global_state.mstate.stack.append(LShR(value, shift)) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def sar_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: shift, value = ( util.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate), util.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate), ) global_state.mstate.stack.append(value >> shift) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def smod_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ s0, s1 = ( util.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate), util.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate), ) global_state.mstate.stack.append(0 if s1 == 0 else SRem(s0, s1)) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def addmod_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ s0, s1, s2 = ( util.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate), util.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate), util.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate), ) global_state.mstate.stack.append(URem(URem(s0, s2) + URem(s1, s2), s2)) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def mulmod_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ s0, s1, s2 = ( util.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate), util.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate), util.pop_bitvec(global_state.mstate), ) global_state.mstate.stack.append(URem(URem(s0, s2) * URem(s1, s2), s2)) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def exp_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate base, exponent = util.pop_bitvec(state), util.pop_bitvec(state) exponentiation, constraint = exponent_function_manager.create_condition( base, exponent ) state.stack.append(exponentiation) global_state.world_state.constraints.append(constraint) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def signextend_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ mstate = global_state.mstate s0, s1 = mstate.stack.pop(), mstate.stack.pop() testbit = s0 * symbol_factory.BitVecVal(8, 256) + symbol_factory.BitVecVal( 7, 256 ) set_testbit = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(1, 256) << testbit sign_bit_set = simplify(Not(s1 & set_testbit == 0)) mstate.stack.append( simplify( If( s0 <= 31, If( sign_bit_set, s1 | (TT256 - set_testbit), s1 & (set_testbit - 1) ), s1, ) ) ) return [global_state]
# Comparisons
[docs] @StateTransition() def lt_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate exp = ULT(util.pop_bitvec(state), util.pop_bitvec(state)) state.stack.append(exp) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def gt_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate op1, op2 = util.pop_bitvec(state), util.pop_bitvec(state) exp = UGT(op1, op2) state.stack.append(exp) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def slt_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate exp = util.pop_bitvec(state) < util.pop_bitvec(state) state.stack.append(exp) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def sgt_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate exp = util.pop_bitvec(state) > util.pop_bitvec(state) state.stack.append(exp) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def eq_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate op1 = state.stack.pop() op2 = state.stack.pop() if isinstance(op1, Bool): op1 = If( op1, symbol_factory.BitVecVal(1, 256), symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, 256) ) if isinstance(op2, Bool): op2 = If( op2, symbol_factory.BitVecVal(1, 256), symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, 256) ) exp = op1 == op2 state.stack.append(exp) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def iszero_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate val = state.stack.pop() exp = Not(val) if isinstance(val, Bool) else val == 0 exp = If( exp, symbol_factory.BitVecVal(1, 256), symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, 256) ) state.stack.append(simplify(exp)) return [global_state]
# Call data
[docs] @StateTransition() def callvalue_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate environment = global_state.environment state.stack.append(environment.callvalue) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def calldataload_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate environment = global_state.environment op0 = state.stack.pop() value = environment.calldata.get_word_at(op0) state.stack.append(value) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def calldatasize_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ global_state.mstate.stack.append(global_state.environment.calldata.calldatasize) return [global_state]
@staticmethod def _calldata_copy_helper(global_state, mstate, mstart, dstart, size): environment = global_state.environment try: mstart = util.get_concrete_int(mstart) except TypeError: log.debug("Unsupported symbolic memory offset in CALLDATACOPY") return [global_state] try: dstart = util.get_concrete_int(dstart) # type: Union[int, BitVec] except TypeError: log.debug("Unsupported symbolic calldata offset in CALLDATACOPY") dstart = simplify(dstart) try: size = util.get_concrete_int(size) # type: Union[int, BitVec] except TypeError: log.debug("Unsupported symbolic size in CALLDATACOPY") size = SYMBOLIC_CALLDATA_SIZE # The excess size will get overwritten size = cast(int, size) if size > 0: try: mstate.mem_extend(mstart, size) except TypeError as e: log.debug("Memory allocation error: {}".format(e)) mstate.mem_extend(mstart, 1) mstate.memory[mstart] = global_state.new_bitvec( "calldata_" + str(environment.active_account.contract_name) + "[" + str(dstart) + ": + " + str(size) + "]", 8, ) return [global_state] try: i_data = dstart new_memory = [] for i in range(size): value = environment.calldata[i_data] new_memory.append(value) i_data = ( i_data + 1 if isinstance(i_data, int) else simplify(cast(BitVec, i_data) + 1) ) for i in range(len(new_memory)): mstate.memory[i + mstart] = new_memory[i] except IndexError: log.debug("Exception copying calldata to memory") mstate.memory[mstart] = global_state.new_bitvec( "calldata_" + str(environment.active_account.contract_name) + "[" + str(dstart) + ": + " + str(size) + "]", 8, ) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def calldatacopy_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate op0, op1, op2 = state.stack.pop(), state.stack.pop(), state.stack.pop() if isinstance(global_state.current_transaction, ContractCreationTransaction): log.debug("Attempt to use CALLDATACOPY in creation transaction") return [global_state] return self._calldata_copy_helper(global_state, state, op0, op1, op2)
# Environment
[docs] @StateTransition() def address_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate environment = global_state.environment state.stack.append(environment.address) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def balance_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate address = state.stack.pop() if address.symbolic is False: balance = global_state.world_state.accounts_exist_or_load( address.value, self.dynamic_loader ).balance() else: balance = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, 256) for account in global_state.world_state.accounts.values(): balance = If(address == account.address, account.balance(), balance) state.stack.append(balance) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def origin_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate environment = global_state.environment state.stack.append(environment.origin) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def caller_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate environment = global_state.environment state.stack.append(environment.sender) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def chainid_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ global_state.mstate.stack.append(global_state.environment.chainid) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def selfbalance_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ balance = global_state.environment.active_account.balance() global_state.mstate.stack.append(balance) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def codesize_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate environment = global_state.environment disassembly = environment.code calldata = global_state.environment.calldata if isinstance(global_state.current_transaction, ContractCreationTransaction): # Hacky way to ensure constructor arguments work - Pick some reasonably large size. no_of_bytes = len(disassembly.bytecode) // 2 if isinstance(calldata, ConcreteCalldata): no_of_bytes += calldata.size else: no_of_bytes += 0x200 # space for 16 32-byte arguments global_state.world_state.constraints.append( global_state.environment.calldata.size == no_of_bytes ) else: no_of_bytes = len(disassembly.bytecode) // 2 state.stack.append(no_of_bytes) return [global_state]
@staticmethod def _sha3_gas_helper(global_state, length): min_gas, max_gas = calculate_sha3_gas(length) global_state.mstate.min_gas_used += min_gas global_state.mstate.max_gas_used += max_gas StateTransition.check_gas_usage_limit(global_state) return global_state
[docs] @StateTransition(enable_gas=False) def sha3_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate index, op1 = state.stack.pop(), state.stack.pop() try: length = util.get_concrete_int(op1) except TypeError: # Can't access symbolic memory offsets length = 64 global_state.world_state.constraints.append(op1 == length) Instruction._sha3_gas_helper(global_state, length) state.mem_extend(index, length) data_list = [ b if isinstance(b, BitVec) else symbol_factory.BitVecVal(b, 8) for b in state.memory[index : index + length] ] if len(data_list) > 1: data = simplify(Concat(data_list)) elif len(data_list) == 1: data = data_list[0] else: # TODO: handle finding x where func(x)==func("") result = keccak_function_manager.get_empty_keccak_hash() state.stack.append(result) return [global_state] result = keccak_function_manager.create_keccak(data) state.stack.append(result) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def gasprice_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ global_state.mstate.stack.append(global_state.environment.gasprice) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def basefee_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ global_state.mstate.stack.append(global_state.environment.basefee) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def codecopy_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ memory_offset, code_offset, size = ( global_state.mstate.stack.pop(), global_state.mstate.stack.pop(), global_state.mstate.stack.pop(), ) code = global_state.environment.code.bytecode if code[0:2] == "0x": code = code[2:] code_size = len(code) // 2 if isinstance(global_state.current_transaction, ContractCreationTransaction): # Treat creation code after the expected disassembly as calldata. # This is a slightly hacky way to ensure that symbolic constructor # arguments work correctly. mstate = global_state.mstate offset = code_offset - code_size log.debug("Copying from code offset: {} with size: {}".format(offset, size)) if isinstance(global_state.environment.calldata, SymbolicCalldata): if code_offset >= code_size: return self._calldata_copy_helper( global_state, mstate, memory_offset, offset, size ) else: # Copy from both code and calldata appropriately. concrete_code_offset = helper.get_concrete_int(code_offset) concrete_size = helper.get_concrete_int(size) code_copy_offset = concrete_code_offset code_copy_size = ( concrete_size if concrete_code_offset + concrete_size <= code_size else code_size - concrete_code_offset ) code_copy_size = code_copy_size if code_copy_size >= 0 else 0 calldata_copy_offset = ( concrete_code_offset - code_size if concrete_code_offset - code_size > 0 else 0 ) calldata_copy_size = concrete_code_offset + concrete_size - code_size calldata_copy_size = ( calldata_copy_size if calldata_copy_size >= 0 else 0 ) [global_state] = self._code_copy_helper( code=global_state.environment.code.bytecode, memory_offset=memory_offset, code_offset=code_copy_offset, size=code_copy_size, op="CODECOPY", global_state=global_state, ) return self._calldata_copy_helper( global_state=global_state, mstate=mstate, mstart=memory_offset + code_copy_size, dstart=calldata_copy_offset, size=calldata_copy_size, ) return self._code_copy_helper( code=global_state.environment.code.bytecode, memory_offset=memory_offset, code_offset=code_offset, size=size, op="CODECOPY", global_state=global_state, )
[docs] @StateTransition() def extcodesize_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate addr = state.stack.pop() try: addr = hex(helper.get_concrete_int(addr)) except TypeError: log.debug("unsupported symbolic address for EXTCODESIZE") state.stack.append(global_state.new_bitvec("extcodesize_" + str(addr), 256)) return [global_state] try: code = global_state.world_state.accounts_exist_or_load( addr, self.dynamic_loader ).code.bytecode except (ValueError, AttributeError) as e: log.debug("error accessing contract storage due to: " + str(e)) state.stack.append(global_state.new_bitvec("extcodesize_" + str(addr), 256)) return [global_state] state.stack.append(len(code) // 2) return [global_state]
@staticmethod def _code_copy_helper( code: Union[str, Tuple], memory_offset: Union[int, BitVec], code_offset: Union[int, BitVec], size: Union[int, BitVec], op: str, global_state: GlobalState, ) -> List[GlobalState]: try: concrete_memory_offset = helper.get_concrete_int(memory_offset) except TypeError: log.debug("Unsupported symbolic memory offset in {}".format(op)) return [global_state] try: concrete_size = helper.get_concrete_int(size) global_state.mstate.mem_extend(concrete_memory_offset, concrete_size) except TypeError: # except both attribute error and Exception global_state.mstate.mem_extend(concrete_memory_offset, 1) global_state.mstate.memory[ concrete_memory_offset ] = global_state.new_bitvec( "code({})".format( global_state.environment.active_account.contract_name ), 8, ) return [global_state] try: concrete_code_offset = helper.get_concrete_int(code_offset) except TypeError: log.debug("Unsupported symbolic code offset in {}".format(op)) global_state.mstate.mem_extend(concrete_memory_offset, concrete_size) for i in range(concrete_size): global_state.mstate.memory[ concrete_memory_offset + i ] = global_state.new_bitvec( "code({})".format( global_state.environment.active_account.contract_name ), 8, ) return [global_state] if code[0:2] == "0x": code = code[2:] for i in range(concrete_size): if isinstance(code, str): if 2 * (concrete_code_offset + i + 1) > len(code): break global_state.mstate.memory[concrete_memory_offset + i] = int( code[ 2 * (concrete_code_offset + i) : 2 * (concrete_code_offset + i + 1) ], 16, ) else: if (concrete_code_offset + i + 1) > len(code): break global_state.mstate.memory[concrete_memory_offset + i] = code[ concrete_code_offset + i ] return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def extcodecopy_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate addr, memory_offset, code_offset, size = ( state.stack.pop(), state.stack.pop(), state.stack.pop(), state.stack.pop(), ) try: addr = hex(helper.get_concrete_int(addr)) except TypeError: log.debug("unsupported symbolic address for EXTCODECOPY") return [global_state] try: code = global_state.world_state.accounts_exist_or_load( addr, self.dynamic_loader ).code.bytecode except (ValueError, AttributeError) as e: log.debug("error accessing contract storage due to: " + str(e)) return [global_state] return self._code_copy_helper( code=code, memory_offset=memory_offset, code_offset=code_offset, size=size, op="EXTCODECOPY", global_state=global_state, )
[docs] @StateTransition() def extcodehash_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: List of global states possible, list of size 1 in this case """ world_state = global_state.world_state stack = global_state.mstate.stack address = Extract(159, 0, stack.pop()) if address.symbolic: code_hash = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(int(get_code_hash(""), 16), 256) elif address.value not in world_state.accounts: code_hash = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, 256) else: addr = "0" * (40 - len(hex(address.value)[2:])) + hex(address.value)[2:] code = world_state.accounts_exist_or_load( addr, self.dynamic_loader ).code.bytecode code_hash = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(int(get_code_hash(code), 16), 256) stack.append(code_hash) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def returndatacopy_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate memory_offset, return_offset, size = ( state.stack.pop(), state.stack.pop(), state.stack.pop(), ) try: concrete_memory_offset = helper.get_concrete_int(memory_offset) except TypeError: log.debug("Unsupported symbolic memory offset in RETURNDATACOPY") return [global_state] try: concrete_return_offset = helper.get_concrete_int(return_offset) except TypeError: log.debug("Unsupported symbolic return offset in RETURNDATACOPY") return [global_state] try: concrete_size = helper.get_concrete_int(size) except TypeError: log.debug("Unsupported symbolic max_length offset in RETURNDATACOPY") return [global_state] if global_state.last_return_data is None: return [global_state] global_state.mstate.mem_extend(concrete_memory_offset, concrete_size) for i in range(concrete_size): global_state.mstate.memory[concrete_memory_offset + i] = ( global_state.last_return_data[concrete_return_offset + i] if i < global_state.last_return_data.size else 0 ) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def returndatasize_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ if global_state.last_return_data: global_state.mstate.stack.append(global_state.last_return_data.size) else: global_state.mstate.stack.append(0) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def blockhash_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate blocknumber = state.stack.pop() state.stack.append( global_state.new_bitvec("blockhash_block_" + str(blocknumber), 256) ) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def coinbase_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ global_state.mstate.stack.append(global_state.new_bitvec("coinbase", 256)) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def timestamp_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ global_state.mstate.stack.append(global_state.new_bitvec("timestamp", 256)) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def number_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ global_state.mstate.stack.append(global_state.environment.block_number) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def difficulty_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ global_state.mstate.stack.append( global_state.new_bitvec("block_difficulty", 256) ) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def gaslimit_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ global_state.mstate.stack.append(global_state.mstate.gas_limit) return [global_state]
# Memory operations
[docs] @StateTransition() def mload_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate offset = state.stack.pop() state.mem_extend(offset, 32) data = state.memory.get_word_at(offset) state.stack.append(data) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def mstore_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate mstart, value = state.stack.pop(), state.stack.pop() try: state.mem_extend(mstart, 32) except Exception: log.debug("Error extending memory") state.memory.write_word_at(mstart, value) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def mstore8_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate offset, value = state.stack.pop(), state.stack.pop() state.mem_extend(offset, 1) try: value_to_write = ( util.get_concrete_int(value) % 256 ) # type: Union[int, BitVec] except TypeError: # BitVec value_to_write = Extract(7, 0, value) state.memory[offset] = value_to_write return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def sload_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate index = state.stack.pop() state.stack.append([index]) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition(is_state_mutation_instruction=True) def sstore_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate index, value = state.stack.pop(), state.stack.pop()[index] = value return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition(increment_pc=False, enable_gas=False) def jump_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate disassembly = global_state.environment.code try: jump_addr = util.get_concrete_int(state.stack.pop()) except TypeError: raise InvalidJumpDestination("Invalid jump argument (symbolic address)") except IndexError: raise StackUnderflowException() index = util.get_instruction_index(disassembly.instruction_list, jump_addr) if index is None: raise InvalidJumpDestination("JUMP to invalid address") op_code = disassembly.instruction_list[index]["opcode"] if op_code != "JUMPDEST": raise InvalidJumpDestination( "Skipping JUMP to invalid destination (not JUMPDEST): " + str(jump_addr) ) new_state = copy(global_state) # add JUMP gas cost min_gas, max_gas = get_opcode_gas("JUMP") new_state.mstate.min_gas_used += min_gas new_state.mstate.max_gas_used += max_gas # manually set PC to destination new_state.mstate.pc = index return [new_state]
[docs] @StateTransition(increment_pc=False, enable_gas=False) def jumpi_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ state = global_state.mstate disassembly = global_state.environment.code min_gas, max_gas = get_opcode_gas("JUMPI") states = [] op0, condition = state.stack.pop(), state.stack.pop() try: jump_addr = util.get_concrete_int(op0) except TypeError: log.debug("Skipping JUMPI to invalid destination.") global_state.mstate.pc += 1 global_state.mstate.min_gas_used += min_gas global_state.mstate.max_gas_used += max_gas return [global_state] # False case negated = ( simplify(Not(condition)) if isinstance(condition, Bool) else condition == 0 ) negated.simplify() # True case condi = simplify(condition) if isinstance(condition, Bool) else condition != 0 condi.simplify() negated_cond = (type(negated) == bool and negated) or ( isinstance(negated, Bool) and not is_false(negated) ) positive_cond = (type(condi) == bool and condi) or ( isinstance(condi, Bool) and not is_false(condi) ) if negated_cond: new_state = copy(global_state) # add JUMPI gas cost new_state.mstate.min_gas_used += min_gas new_state.mstate.max_gas_used += max_gas # manually increment PC new_state.mstate.depth += 1 new_state.mstate.pc += 1 new_state.world_state.constraints.append(negated) states.append(new_state) else: log.debug("Pruned unreachable states.") # Get jump destination index = util.get_instruction_index(disassembly.instruction_list, jump_addr) if index is None: log.debug("Invalid jump destination: " + str(jump_addr)) return states instr = disassembly.instruction_list[index] if instr["opcode"] == "JUMPDEST": if positive_cond: new_state = copy(global_state) # add JUMPI gas cost new_state.mstate.min_gas_used += min_gas new_state.mstate.max_gas_used += max_gas # manually set PC to destination new_state.mstate.pc = index new_state.mstate.depth += 1 new_state.world_state.constraints.append(condi) states.append(new_state) else: log.debug("Pruned unreachable states.") return states
[docs] @StateTransition() def beginsub_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ This opcode depicts the start of the subroutine """ raise OutOfGasException("Encountered BEGINSUB")
[docs] @StateTransition() def jumpsub_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ Jump to the subroutine """ disassembly = global_state.environment.code try: location = util.get_concrete_int(global_state.mstate.stack.pop()) except TypeError: raise VmException("Encountered symbolic JUMPSUB location") index = util.get_instruction_index(disassembly.instruction_list, location) instr = disassembly.instruction_list[index] if instr["opcode"] != "BEGINSUB": raise VmException( "Encountered invalid JUMPSUB location :{}".format(instr["address"]) ) global_state.mstate.subroutine_stack.append(global_state.mstate.pc + 1) global_state.mstate.pc = location return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition(increment_pc=False) def returnsub_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ Returns control to the caller of the subroutine """ global_state.mstate.pc = global_state.mstate.subroutine_stack.pop() return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def pc_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ index = global_state.mstate.pc program_counter = global_state.environment.code.instruction_list[index][ "address" ] global_state.mstate.stack.append(symbol_factory.BitVecVal(program_counter, 256)) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def msize_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ global_state.mstate.stack.append(global_state.mstate.memory_size) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def gas_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ # TODO: Push a Constrained variable which lies between min gas and max gas global_state.mstate.stack.append(global_state.new_bitvec("gas", 256)) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition(is_state_mutation_instruction=True) def log_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ # TODO: implement me state = global_state.mstate depth = int(self.op_code[3:]) state.stack.pop(), state.stack.pop() _ = [state.stack.pop() for _ in range(depth)] # Not supported return [global_state]
def _create_transaction_helper( self, global_state, call_value, mem_offset, mem_size, create2_salt=None ) -> List[GlobalState]: mstate = global_state.mstate environment = global_state.environment world_state = global_state.world_state call_data = get_call_data(global_state, mem_offset, mem_offset + mem_size) code_raw = [] code_end = call_data.size size = call_data.size if isinstance(size, BitVec): # Other size restriction checks handle this if size.symbolic: size = 10**5 else: size = size.value for i in range(size): if call_data[i].symbolic: code_end = i break code_raw.append(call_data[i].value) if len(code_raw) < 1: global_state.mstate.stack.append(1) log.debug("No code found for trying to execute a create type instruction.") return [global_state] code_str = bytes.hex(bytes(code_raw)) next_transaction_id = tx_id_manager.get_next_tx_id() constructor_arguments = ConcreteCalldata( next_transaction_id, call_data[code_end:] ) code = Disassembly(code_str) caller = environment.active_account.address gas_price = environment.gasprice origin = environment.origin contract_address = None # type: Union[BitVec, int] Instruction._sha3_gas_helper(global_state, len(code_str[2:]) // 2) if create2_salt: if create2_salt.symbolic: if create2_salt.size() != 256: pad = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, 256 - create2_salt.size()) create2_salt = Concat(pad, create2_salt) address = keccak_function_manager.create_keccak( Concat( symbol_factory.BitVecVal(255, 8), caller, create2_salt, symbol_factory.BitVecVal(int(get_code_hash(code_str), 16), 256), ) ) contract_address = Extract(255, 96, address) else: salt = hex(create2_salt.value)[2:] salt = "0" * (64 - len(salt)) + salt addr = hex(caller.value)[2:] addr = "0" * (40 - len(addr)) + addr contract_address = int( get_code_hash("0xff" + addr + salt + get_code_hash(code_str)[2:])[ 26: ], 16, ) transaction = ContractCreationTransaction( world_state=world_state, caller=caller, code=code, call_data=constructor_arguments, gas_price=gas_price, gas_limit=mstate.gas_limit, origin=origin, call_value=call_value, contract_address=contract_address, ) raise TransactionStartSignal(transaction, self.op_code, global_state)
[docs] @StateTransition(is_state_mutation_instruction=True) def create_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ call_value, mem_offset, mem_size = global_state.mstate.pop(3) return self._create_transaction_helper( global_state, call_value, mem_offset, mem_size )
[docs] @StateTransition() def create_post(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: return self._handle_create_type_post(global_state)
[docs] @StateTransition(is_state_mutation_instruction=True) def create2_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ call_value, mem_offset, mem_size, salt = global_state.mstate.pop(4) return self._create_transaction_helper( global_state, call_value, mem_offset, mem_size, salt )
[docs] @StateTransition() def create2_post(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: return self._handle_create_type_post(global_state, opcode="create2")
@staticmethod def _handle_create_type_post(global_state, opcode="create"): if opcode == "create2": global_state.mstate.pop(4) else: global_state.mstate.pop(3) if global_state.last_return_data: return_val = symbol_factory.BitVecVal( int(global_state.last_return_data, 16), 256 ) else: return_val = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, 256) global_state.mstate.stack.append(return_val) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def return_(self, global_state: GlobalState): """ :param global_state: """ state = global_state.mstate offset, length = state.stack.pop(), state.stack.pop() if length.symbolic: return_data = [global_state.new_bitvec("return_data", 8)] log.debug("Return with symbolic length or offset. Not supported") else: state.mem_extend(offset, length) StateTransition.check_gas_usage_limit(global_state) return_data = state.memory[offset : offset + length] global_state.current_transaction.end( global_state, ReturnData(return_data, length) )
[docs] @StateTransition(is_state_mutation_instruction=True) def selfdestruct_(self, global_state: GlobalState): """ :param global_state: """ target = global_state.mstate.stack.pop() transfer_amount = global_state.environment.active_account.balance() # Often the target of the selfdestruct instruction will be symbolic # If it isn't then we'll transfer the balance to the indicated contract global_state.world_state.balances[target] += transfer_amount global_state.environment.active_account = deepcopy( global_state.environment.active_account ) global_state.accounts[ global_state.environment.active_account.address.value ] = global_state.environment.active_account global_state.environment.active_account.set_balance(0) global_state.environment.active_account.deleted = True global_state.current_transaction.end(global_state)
[docs] @StateTransition() def revert_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> None: """ :param global_state: """ state = global_state.mstate offset, length = state.stack.pop(), state.stack.pop() if length.symbolic is False: return_data = [ global_state.new_bitvec( f"{}_return_data_{i}", 8 ) for i in range(length.value) ] else: return_data = [ If( i < length, global_state.new_bitvec( f"{}_return_data_{i}", 8 ), 0, ) for i in range(300) ] try: return_data = state.memory[ util.get_concrete_int(offset) : util.get_concrete_int(offset + length) ] except TypeError: log.debug("Return with symbolic length or offset. Not supported") global_state.current_transaction.end( global_state, return_data=ReturnData(return_data, length), revert=True )
[docs] @StateTransition() def assert_fail_(self, global_state: GlobalState): """ :param global_state: """ # 0xfe: designated invalid opcode raise InvalidInstruction
[docs] @StateTransition() def invalid_(self, global_state: GlobalState): """ :param global_state: """ raise InvalidInstruction
[docs] @StateTransition() def stop_(self, global_state: GlobalState): """ :param global_state: """ global_state.current_transaction.end(global_state)
@staticmethod def _write_symbolic_returndata( global_state: GlobalState, memory_out_offset: BitVec, memory_out_size: BitVec ): """ Writes symbolic return-data into memory, The memory offset and size should be concrete :param global_state: :param memory_out_offset: :param memory_out_size: :return: """ if memory_out_offset.symbolic is True or memory_out_size.symbolic is True: return return_data = [] return_data_size = global_state.new_bitvec("returndatasize", 256) for i in range(memory_out_size.value): data = global_state.new_bitvec( "call_output_var({})_{}".format( simplify(memory_out_offset + i), global_state.mstate.pc ), 8, ) return_data.append(data) for i in range(memory_out_size.value): global_state.mstate.memory[memory_out_offset + i] = If( i <= return_data_size, return_data[i], global_state.mstate.memory[memory_out_offset + i], ) global_state.last_return_data = ReturnData( return_data=return_data, return_data_size=return_data_size )
[docs] @StateTransition() def call_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ instr = global_state.get_current_instruction() environment = global_state.environment memory_out_size, memory_out_offset = global_state.mstate.stack[-7:-5] try: ( callee_address, callee_account, call_data, value, gas, memory_out_offset, memory_out_size, ) = get_call_parameters(global_state, self.dynamic_loader, True) if callee_account is not None and callee_account.code.bytecode == "": log.debug("The call is related to ether transfer between accounts") sender = environment.active_account.address receiver = callee_account.address transfer_ether(global_state, sender, receiver, value) self._write_symbolic_returndata( global_state, memory_out_offset, memory_out_size ) global_state.mstate.stack.append( global_state.new_bitvec("retval_" + str(instr["address"]), 256) ) return [global_state] except ValueError as e: log.debug( "Could not determine required parameters for call, putting fresh symbol on the stack. \n{}".format( e ) ) self._write_symbolic_returndata( global_state, memory_out_offset, memory_out_size ) # TODO: decide what to do in this case global_state.mstate.stack.append( global_state.new_bitvec("retval_" + str(instr["address"]), 256) ) return [global_state] if environment.static: if isinstance(value, int) and value > 0: raise WriteProtection( "Cannot call with non zero value in a static call" ) if isinstance(value, BitVec): if value.symbolic: global_state.world_state.constraints.append( value == symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, 256) ) elif value.value > 0: raise WriteProtection( "Cannot call with non zero value in a static call" ) native_result = native_call( global_state, callee_address, call_data, memory_out_offset, memory_out_size ) if native_result: return native_result transaction = MessageCallTransaction( world_state=global_state.world_state, gas_price=environment.gasprice, gas_limit=gas, origin=environment.origin, caller=environment.active_account.address, callee_account=callee_account, call_data=call_data, call_value=value, static=environment.static, ) raise TransactionStartSignal(transaction, self.op_code, global_state)
[docs] @StateTransition() def call_post(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ return self.post_handler(global_state, function_name="call")
[docs] @StateTransition() def callcode_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ instr = global_state.get_current_instruction() environment = global_state.environment memory_out_size, memory_out_offset = global_state.mstate.stack[-7:-5] try: ( callee_address, callee_account, call_data, value, gas, _, _, ) = get_call_parameters(global_state, self.dynamic_loader, True) if callee_account is not None and callee_account.code.bytecode == "": log.debug("The call is related to ether transfer between accounts") sender = global_state.environment.active_account.address receiver = callee_account.address transfer_ether(global_state, sender, receiver, value) self._write_symbolic_returndata( global_state, memory_out_offset, memory_out_size ) global_state.mstate.stack.append( global_state.new_bitvec("retval_" + str(instr["address"]), 256) ) return [global_state] except ValueError as e: log.debug( "Could not determine required parameters for call, putting fresh symbol on the stack. \n{}".format( e ) ) self._write_symbolic_returndata( global_state, memory_out_offset, memory_out_size ) global_state.mstate.stack.append( global_state.new_bitvec("retval_" + str(instr["address"]), 256) ) return [global_state] native_result = native_call( global_state, callee_address, call_data, memory_out_offset, memory_out_size ) if native_result: return native_result transaction = MessageCallTransaction( world_state=global_state.world_state, gas_price=environment.gasprice, gas_limit=gas, origin=environment.origin, code=callee_account.code, caller=environment.address, callee_account=environment.active_account, call_data=call_data, call_value=value, static=environment.static, ) raise TransactionStartSignal(transaction, self.op_code, global_state)
[docs] @StateTransition() def callcode_post(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ instr = global_state.get_current_instruction() memory_out_size, memory_out_offset = global_state.mstate.stack[-7:-5] try: ( _, _, _, _, _, memory_out_offset, memory_out_size, ) = get_call_parameters(global_state, self.dynamic_loader, True) except ValueError as e: log.debug( "Could not determine required parameters for call, putting fresh symbol on the stack. \n{}".format( e ) ) self._write_symbolic_returndata( global_state, memory_out_offset, memory_out_size ) global_state.mstate.stack.append( global_state.new_bitvec("retval_" + str(instr["address"]), 256) ) return [global_state] if global_state.last_return_data is None: # Put return value on stack return_value = global_state.new_bitvec( "retval_" + str(instr["address"]), 256 ) global_state.mstate.stack.append(return_value) self._write_symbolic_returndata( global_state, memory_out_offset, memory_out_size ) global_state.world_state.constraints.append(return_value == 0) return [global_state] try: memory_out_offset = ( util.get_concrete_int(memory_out_offset) if isinstance(memory_out_offset, Expression) else memory_out_offset ) memory_out_size = ( util.get_concrete_int(memory_out_size) if isinstance(memory_out_size, Expression) else memory_out_size ) except TypeError: global_state.mstate.stack.append( global_state.new_bitvec("retval_" + str(instr["address"]), 256) ) return [global_state] # Copy memory global_state.mstate.mem_extend( memory_out_offset, min(memory_out_size, global_state.last_return_data.size) ) if global_state.last_return_data.size.symbolic: ret_size = 500 else: ret_size = global_state.last_return_data.size.value for i in range(min(memory_out_size, ret_size)): global_state.mstate.memory[ i + memory_out_offset ] = global_state.last_return_data[i] # Put return value on stack return_value = global_state.new_bitvec("retval_" + str(instr["address"]), 256) global_state.mstate.stack.append(return_value) global_state.world_state.constraints.append(return_value == 1) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def delegatecall_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ instr = global_state.get_current_instruction() environment = global_state.environment memory_out_size, memory_out_offset = global_state.mstate.stack[-6:-4] try: ( callee_address, callee_account, call_data, value, gas, _, _, ) = get_call_parameters(global_state, self.dynamic_loader) if callee_account is not None and callee_account.code.bytecode == "": log.debug("The call is related to ether transfer between accounts") sender = global_state.environment.active_account.address receiver = callee_account.address transfer_ether(global_state, sender, receiver, value) self._write_symbolic_returndata( global_state, memory_out_offset, memory_out_size ) global_state.mstate.stack.append( global_state.new_bitvec("retval_" + str(instr["address"]), 256) ) return [global_state] except ValueError as e: log.debug( "Could not determine required parameters for call, putting fresh symbol on the stack. \n{}".format( e ) ) self._write_symbolic_returndata( global_state, memory_out_offset, memory_out_size ) global_state.mstate.stack.append( global_state.new_bitvec("retval_" + str(instr["address"]), 256) ) return [global_state] native_result = native_call( global_state, callee_address, call_data, memory_out_offset, memory_out_size ) if native_result: return native_result transaction = MessageCallTransaction( world_state=global_state.world_state, gas_price=environment.gasprice, gas_limit=gas, origin=environment.origin, code=callee_account.code, caller=environment.sender, callee_account=environment.active_account, call_data=call_data, call_value=environment.callvalue, static=environment.static, ) raise TransactionStartSignal(transaction, self.op_code, global_state)
[docs] @StateTransition() def delegatecall_post(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ instr = global_state.get_current_instruction() memory_out_size, memory_out_offset = global_state.mstate.stack[-6:-4] try: ( _, _, _, _, _, memory_out_offset, memory_out_size, ) = get_call_parameters(global_state, self.dynamic_loader) except ValueError as e: log.debug( "Could not determine required parameters for call, putting fresh symbol on the stack. \n{}".format( e ) ) global_state.mstate.stack.append( global_state.new_bitvec("retval_" + str(instr["address"]), 256) ) self._write_symbolic_returndata( global_state, memory_out_offset, memory_out_size ) return [global_state] if global_state.last_return_data is None: # Put return value on stack return_value = global_state.new_bitvec( "retval_" + str(instr["address"]), 256 ) global_state.mstate.stack.append(return_value) global_state.world_state.constraints.append(return_value == 0) return [global_state] try: memory_out_offset = ( util.get_concrete_int(memory_out_offset) if isinstance(memory_out_offset, Expression) else memory_out_offset ) memory_out_size = ( util.get_concrete_int(memory_out_size) if isinstance(memory_out_size, Expression) else memory_out_size ) except TypeError: global_state.mstate.stack.append( global_state.new_bitvec("retval_" + str(instr["address"]), 256) ) return [global_state] # Copy memory global_state.mstate.mem_extend( memory_out_offset, min(memory_out_size, global_state.last_return_data.size) ) if global_state.last_return_data.size.symbolic: ret_size = 500 else: ret_size = global_state.last_return_data.size.value for i in range(min(memory_out_size, ret_size)): global_state.mstate.memory[ i + memory_out_offset ] = global_state.last_return_data[i] # Put return value on stack return_value = global_state.new_bitvec("retval_" + str(instr["address"]), 256) global_state.mstate.stack.append(return_value) global_state.world_state.constraints.append(return_value == 1) return [global_state]
[docs] @StateTransition() def staticcall_(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: """ :param global_state: :return: """ instr = global_state.get_current_instruction() environment = global_state.environment memory_out_size, memory_out_offset = global_state.mstate.stack[-6:-4] try: ( callee_address, callee_account, call_data, value, gas, memory_out_offset, memory_out_size, ) = get_call_parameters(global_state, self.dynamic_loader) if callee_account is not None and callee_account.code.bytecode == "": log.debug("The call is related to ether transfer between accounts") sender = environment.active_account.address receiver = callee_account.address transfer_ether(global_state, sender, receiver, value) self._write_symbolic_returndata( global_state, memory_out_offset, memory_out_size ) global_state.mstate.stack.append( global_state.new_bitvec("retval_" + str(instr["address"]), 256) ) return [global_state] except ValueError as e: log.debug( "Could not determine required parameters for call, putting fresh symbol on the stack. \n{}".format( e ) ) self._write_symbolic_returndata( global_state, memory_out_offset, memory_out_size ) global_state.mstate.stack.append( global_state.new_bitvec("retval_" + str(instr["address"]), 256) ) return [global_state] native_result = native_call( global_state, callee_address, call_data, memory_out_offset, memory_out_size ) if native_result: return native_result transaction = MessageCallTransaction( world_state=global_state.world_state, gas_price=environment.gasprice, gas_limit=gas, origin=environment.origin, code=callee_account.code, caller=environment.address, callee_account=callee_account, call_data=call_data, call_value=value, static=True, ) raise TransactionStartSignal(transaction, self.op_code, global_state)
[docs] @StateTransition() def staticcall_post(self, global_state: GlobalState) -> List[GlobalState]: return self.post_handler(global_state, function_name="staticcall")
[docs] def post_handler(self, global_state, function_name: str): instr = global_state.get_current_instruction() if function_name in ("staticcall", "delegatecall"): memory_out_size, memory_out_offset = global_state.mstate.stack[-6:-4] else: memory_out_size, memory_out_offset = global_state.mstate.stack[-7:-5] try: with_value = function_name != "staticcall" ( _, _, _, _, _, memory_out_offset, memory_out_size, ) = get_call_parameters(global_state, self.dynamic_loader, with_value) except ValueError as e: log.debug( "Could not determine required parameters for {}, putting fresh symbol on the stack. \n{}".format( function_name, e ) ) self._write_symbolic_returndata( global_state, memory_out_offset, memory_out_size ) global_state.mstate.stack.append( global_state.new_bitvec("retval_" + str(instr["address"]), 256) ) return [global_state] if global_state.last_return_data is None: # Put return value on stack return_value = global_state.new_bitvec( "retval_" + str(instr["address"]), 256 ) global_state.mstate.stack.append(return_value) return [global_state] try: memory_out_offset = ( util.get_concrete_int(memory_out_offset) if isinstance(memory_out_offset, Expression) else memory_out_offset ) memory_out_size = ( util.get_concrete_int(memory_out_size) if isinstance(memory_out_size, Expression) else memory_out_size ) except TypeError: global_state.mstate.stack.append( global_state.new_bitvec("retval_" + str(instr["address"]), 256) ) return [global_state] global_state.mstate.mem_extend( memory_out_offset, min(memory_out_size, global_state.last_return_data.size) ) if global_state.last_return_data.size.symbolic: ret_size = 500 else: ret_size = global_state.last_return_data.size.value for i in range(min(memory_out_size, ret_size)): global_state.mstate.memory[ i + memory_out_offset ] = global_state.last_return_data[i] # Put return value on stack return_value = global_state.new_bitvec( "retval_" + str(global_state.get_current_instruction()["address"]), 256 ) global_state.mstate.stack.append(return_value) global_state.world_state.constraints.append(return_value == 1) return [global_state]