Source code for mythril.laser.ethereum.natives

"""This nodule defines helper functions to deal with native calls."""

import hashlib
import logging
import blake2b
import coincurve

from typing import List

from py_ecc.secp256k1 import N as secp256k1n
from py_ecc.secp256k1 import ecdsa_raw_recover
import py_ecc.optimized_bn128 as bn128

from rlp.utils import ALL_BYTES
from eth_utils import ValidationError
from eth._utils.blake2.coders import extract_blake2b_parameters
from eth._utils.bn128 import validate_point

from import sha3, zpad
from mythril.laser.ethereum.state.calldata import BaseCalldata, ConcreteCalldata
from mythril.laser.ethereum.util import extract_copy, extract32
from eth_utils import int_to_big_endian, big_endian_to_int

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def encode_int32(v): return v.to_bytes(32, byteorder="big")
[docs]def safe_ord(value): if isinstance(value, int): return value else: return ord(value)
[docs]def int_to_32bytearray(i): o = [0] * 32 for x in range(32): o[31 - x] = i & 0xFF i >>= 8 return o
[docs]def ecrecover_to_pub(rawhash, v, r, s): if hasattr(coincurve, "PublicKey"): try: pk = coincurve.PublicKey.from_signature_and_message( zpad(bytes(int_to_32bytearray(r)), 32) + zpad(bytes(int_to_32bytearray(s)), 32) + ALL_BYTES[v - 27], rawhash, hasher=None, ) pub = pk.format(compressed=False)[1:] except BaseException: pub = b"\x00" * 64 else: result = ecdsa_raw_recover(rawhash, (v, r, s)) if result: x, y = result pub = encode_int32(x) + encode_int32(y) else: raise ValueError("Invalid VRS") assert len(pub) == 64 return pub
[docs]class NativeContractException(Exception): """An exception denoting an error during a native call.""" pass
[docs]def ecrecover(data: List[int]) -> List[int]: """ :param data: :return: """ # TODO: Add type hints try: bytes_data = bytearray(data) v = extract32(bytes_data, 32) r = extract32(bytes_data, 64) s = extract32(bytes_data, 96) except TypeError: raise NativeContractException message = b"".join([ALL_BYTES[x] for x in bytes_data[0:32]]) if r >= secp256k1n or s >= secp256k1n or v < 27 or v > 28: return [] try: pub = ecrecover_to_pub(message, v, r, s) except Exception as e: log.debug("An error has occured while extracting public key: " + str(e)) return [] o = [0] * 12 + [x for x in sha3(pub)[-20:]] return list(bytearray(o))
[docs]def sha256(data: List[int]) -> List[int]: """ :param data: :return: """ try: bytes_data = bytes(data) except TypeError: raise NativeContractException return list(bytearray(hashlib.sha256(bytes_data).digest()))
[docs]def ripemd160(data: List[int]) -> List[int]: """ :param data: :return: """ try: bytes_data = bytes(data) except TypeError: raise NativeContractException digest ="ripemd160", bytes_data).digest() padded = 12 * [0] + list(digest) return list(bytearray(bytes(padded)))
[docs]def identity(data: List[int]) -> List[int]: """ :param data: :return: """ return data
[docs]def mod_exp(data: List[int]) -> List[int]: """ TODO: Some symbolic parts can be handled here Modular Exponentiation :param data: Data with <length_of_BASE> <length_of_EXPONENT> <length_of_MODULUS> <BASE> <EXPONENT> <MODULUS> :return: modular exponentiation """ bytes_data = bytearray(data) baselen = extract32(bytes_data, 0) explen = extract32(bytes_data, 32) modlen = extract32(bytes_data, 64) if baselen == 0: return [0] * modlen if modlen == 0: return [] first_exp_bytes = extract32(bytes_data, 96 + baselen) >> (8 * max(32 - explen, 0)) while first_exp_bytes: first_exp_bytes >>= 1 base = bytearray(baselen) extract_copy(bytes_data, base, 0, 96, baselen) exp = bytearray(explen) extract_copy(bytes_data, exp, 0, 96 + baselen, explen) mod = bytearray(modlen) extract_copy(bytes_data, mod, 0, 96 + baselen + explen, modlen) if big_endian_to_int(mod) == 0: return [0] * modlen o = pow(big_endian_to_int(base), big_endian_to_int(exp), big_endian_to_int(mod)) return [safe_ord(x) for x in zpad(int_to_big_endian(o), modlen)]
[docs]def ec_add(data: List[int]) -> List[int]: bytes_data = bytearray(data) x1 = extract32(bytes_data, 0) y1 = extract32(bytes_data, 32) x2 = extract32(bytes_data, 64) y2 = extract32(bytes_data, 96) try: p1 = validate_point(x1, y1) p2 = validate_point(x2, y2) except ValidationError: return [] if p1 is False or p2 is False: return [] o = bn128.normalize(bn128.add(p1, p2)) return [safe_ord(x) for x in (encode_int32(o[0].n) + encode_int32(o[1].n))]
[docs]def ec_mul(data: List[int]) -> List[int]: bytes_data = bytearray(data) x = extract32(bytes_data, 0) y = extract32(bytes_data, 32) m = extract32(bytes_data, 64) try: p = validate_point(x, y) except ValidationError: return [] if p is False: return [] o = bn128.normalize(bn128.multiply(p, m)) return [safe_ord(c) for c in (encode_int32(o[0].n) + encode_int32(o[1].n))]
[docs]def ec_pair(data: List[int]) -> List[int]: if len(data) % 192: return [] zero = (,, exponent = bytes_data = bytearray(data) for i in range(0, len(bytes_data), 192): x1 = extract32(bytes_data, i) y1 = extract32(bytes_data, i + 32) x2_i = extract32(bytes_data, i + 64) x2_r = extract32(bytes_data, i + 96) y2_i = extract32(bytes_data, i + 128) y2_r = extract32(bytes_data, i + 160) p1 = validate_point(x1, y1) if p1 is False: return [] for v in (x2_i, x2_r, y2_i, y2_r): if v >= bn128.field_modulus: return [] fq2_x = bn128.FQ2([x2_r, x2_i]) fq2_y = bn128.FQ2([y2_r, y2_i]) if (fq2_x, fq2_y) != (, p2 = (fq2_x, fq2_y, if not bn128.is_on_curve(p2, bn128.b2): return [] else: p2 = zero if bn128.multiply(p2, bn128.curve_order)[-1] != return [] exponent *= bn128.pairing(p2, p1, final_exponentiate=False) result = bn128.final_exponentiate(exponent) == return [0] * 31 + [1 if result else 0]
[docs]def blake2b_fcompress(data: List[int]) -> List[int]: """ blake2b hashing :param data: :return: """ try: parameters = extract_blake2b_parameters(bytes(data)) except ValidationError as v: logging.debug("Invalid blake2b params: {}".format(v)) return [] return list(bytearray(blake2b.compress(*parameters)))
PRECOMPILE_FUNCTIONS = ( ecrecover, sha256, ripemd160, identity, mod_exp, ec_add, ec_mul, ec_pair, blake2b_fcompress, ) PRECOMPILE_COUNT = len(PRECOMPILE_FUNCTIONS)
[docs]def native_contracts(address: int, data: BaseCalldata) -> List[int]: """Takes integer address 1, 2, 3, 4. :param address: :param data: :return: """ if not isinstance(data, ConcreteCalldata): raise NativeContractException concrete_data = data.concrete(None) try: return PRECOMPILE_FUNCTIONS[address - 1](concrete_data) except TypeError: raise NativeContractException