Source code for mythril.laser.ethereum.state.machine_state

"""This module contains a representation of the EVM's machine state and its
from copy import copy
from typing import cast, Sized, Union, Any, List, Dict, Optional

from mythril.laser.smt import BitVec, Bool, If, Expression, symbol_factory
from eth._utils.numeric import ceil32

from mythril.laser.ethereum.evm_exceptions import (
from mythril.laser.ethereum.state.memory import Memory

[docs]class MachineStack(list): """Defines EVM stack, overrides the default list to handle overflows.""" STACK_LIMIT = 1024 def __init__(self, default_list=None) -> None: """ :param default_list: """ super(MachineStack, self).__init__(default_list or [])
[docs] def append(self, element: Union[int, Expression]) -> None: """ This function ensures the following properties when appending to a list: - Element appended to this list should be a BitVec - Ensures stack overflow bound :param element: element to be appended to the list :function: appends the element to list if the size is less than STACK_LIMIT, else throws an error """ if isinstance(element, int): element = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(element, 256) if isinstance(element, Bool): element = If( element, symbol_factory.BitVecVal(1, 256), symbol_factory.BitVecVal(0, 256), ) if super(MachineStack, self).__len__() >= self.STACK_LIMIT: raise StackOverflowException( "Reached the EVM stack limit of {}, you can't append more " "elements".format(self.STACK_LIMIT) ) super(MachineStack, self).append(element)
[docs] def pop(self, index=-1) -> Union[int, Expression]: """ This function ensures stack underflow bound :param index:index to be popped, same as the list() class. :returns popped value :function: same as list() class but throws StackUnderflowException for popping from an empty list """ try: return super(MachineStack, self).pop(index) except IndexError: raise StackUnderflowException("Trying to pop from an empty stack")
def __getitem__(self, item: Union[int, slice]) -> Any: """ :param item: :return: """ try: return super(MachineStack, self).__getitem__(item) except IndexError: raise StackUnderflowException( "Trying to access a stack element which doesn't exist" ) def __add__(self, other): """Implement list concatenation if needed. :param other: """ raise NotImplementedError("Implement this if needed") def __iadd__(self, other): """Implement list concatenation if needed. :param other: """ raise NotImplementedError("Implement this if needed")
[docs]class MachineState: """ MachineState represents current machine state also referenced to as \mu. """ def __init__( self, gas_limit: int, pc=0, stack=None, subroutine_stack=None, memory: Optional[Memory] = None, constraints=None, depth=0, max_gas_used=0, min_gas_used=0, ) -> None: """Constructor for machineState. :param gas_limit: :param pc: :param stack: :param memory: :param constraints: :param depth: :param max_gas_used: :param min_gas_used: """ self.pc = pc self.stack = MachineStack(stack) self.subroutine_stack = MachineStack(subroutine_stack) self.memory = memory or Memory() self.gas_limit = gas_limit self.min_gas_used = min_gas_used # lower gas usage bound self.max_gas_used = max_gas_used # upper gas usage bound self.depth = depth
[docs] def calculate_extension_size(self, start: int, size: int) -> int: """ :param start: :param size: :return: """ if self.memory_size > start + size: return 0 # The extension size is calculated based on the word length new_size = ceil32(start + size) // 32 old_size = self.memory_size // 32 return (new_size - old_size) * 32
[docs] def calculate_memory_gas(self, start: int, size: int): """ :param start: :param size: :return: """ # oldsize = self.memory_size // 32 old_totalfee = ( oldsize * GAS_MEMORY + oldsize**2 // GAS_MEMORY_QUADRATIC_DENOMINATOR ) newsize = ceil32(start + size) // 32 new_totalfee = ( newsize * GAS_MEMORY + newsize**2 // GAS_MEMORY_QUADRATIC_DENOMINATOR ) return new_totalfee - old_totalfee
[docs] def check_gas(self): """Check whether the machine is out of gas.""" if self.min_gas_used > self.gas_limit: raise OutOfGasException()
[docs] def mem_extend(self, start: Union[int, BitVec], size: Union[int, BitVec]) -> None: """Extends the memory of this machine state. :param start: Start of memory extension :param size: Size of memory extension """ if (isinstance(start, BitVec) and start.symbolic) or ( isinstance(size, BitVec) and size.symbolic ): return if isinstance(start, BitVec): start = start.value if isinstance(size, BitVec): size = size.value m_extend = self.calculate_extension_size(start, size) if m_extend: extend_gas = self.calculate_memory_gas(start, size) self.min_gas_used += extend_gas self.max_gas_used += extend_gas self.check_gas() self.memory.extend(m_extend)
[docs] def memory_write(self, offset: int, data: List[Union[int, BitVec]]) -> None: """Writes data to memory starting at offset. :param offset: :param data: """ self.mem_extend(offset, len(data)) self.memory[offset : offset + len(data)] = data
[docs] def pop(self, amount=1) -> Union[BitVec, List[BitVec]]: """Pops amount elements from the stack. :param amount: :return: """ if amount > len(self.stack): raise StackUnderflowException values = self.stack[-amount:][::-1] del self.stack[-amount:] return values[0] if amount == 1 else values
def __deepcopy__(self, memodict=None): """ :param memodict: :return: """ memodict = {} if memodict is None else memodict return MachineState( gas_limit=self.gas_limit, max_gas_used=self.max_gas_used, min_gas_used=self.min_gas_used, pc=self.pc, stack=copy(self.stack), memory=copy(self.memory), depth=self.depth, subroutine_stack=copy(self.subroutine_stack), ) def __str__(self): """ :return: """ return str(self.as_dict) @property def memory_size(self) -> int: """ :return: """ return len(cast(Sized, self.memory)) @property def as_dict(self) -> Dict: """ :return: """ return dict( pc=self.pc, stack=self.stack, subroutine_stack=self.subroutine_stack, memory=self.memory, memsize=self.memory_size, gas=self.gas_limit, max_gas_used=self.max_gas_used, min_gas_used=self.min_gas_used, )