Source code for mythril.laser.plugin.plugins.benchmark

from mythril.laser.ethereum.svm import LaserEVM
from mythril.laser.plugin.interface import LaserPlugin
from mythril.laser.plugin.builder import PluginBuilder
from time import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BenchmarkPluginBuilder(PluginBuilder): name = "benchmark" def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return BenchmarkPlugin()
# TODO: introduce dependency on coverage plugin
[docs]class BenchmarkPlugin(LaserPlugin): """Benchmark Plugin This plugin aggregates the following information: - duration - code coverage over time - final code coverage - total number of executed instructions """ def __init__(self, name=None): """Creates BenchmarkPlugin :param name: name of this benchmark, used for storing the results """ self.nr_of_executed_insns = 0 self.begin = None self.end = None self.coverage = {} = name
[docs] def initialize(self, symbolic_vm: LaserEVM): """Initializes the BenchmarkPlugin Introduces hooks in symbolic_vm to track the desired values :param symbolic_vm: Symbolic virtual machine to analyze """ self._reset() @symbolic_vm.laser_hook("execute_state") def execute_state_hook(_): current_time = time() - self.begin self.nr_of_executed_insns += 1 for key, value in symbolic_vm.coverage.items(): try: self.coverage[key][current_time] = sum(value[1]) * 100 / value[0] except KeyError: self.coverage[key] = {} self.coverage[key][current_time] = sum(value[1]) * 100 / value[0] @symbolic_vm.laser_hook("start_sym_exec") def start_sym_exec_hook(): self.begin = time() @symbolic_vm.laser_hook("stop_sym_exec") def stop_sym_exec_hook(): self.end = time() self._write_to_graph() self._store_report()
def _reset(self): """Reset this plugin""" self.nr_of_executed_insns = 0 self.begin = None self.end = None self.coverage = {} def _store_report(self): """Store the results of this plugin""" pass def _write_to_graph(self): """Write the coverage results to a graph""" traces = [] for _, trace_data in self.coverage.items(): traces += [list(trace_data.keys()), list(trace_data.values()), "r--"] plt.plot(*traces) plt.axis([0, self.end - self.begin, 0, 100]) plt.xlabel("Duration (seconds)") plt.ylabel("Coverage (percentage)") plt.savefig("{}.png".format(