Source code for mythril.solidity.soliditycontract

"""This module contains representation classes for Solidity files, contracts
and source mappings."""
from typing import Dict, Set
import logging

import mythril.laser.ethereum.util as helper
from mythril.ethereum.evmcontract import EVMContract
from mythril.ethereum.util import get_solc_json
from mythril.exceptions import NoContractFoundError

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SourceMapping: def __init__(self, solidity_file_idx, offset, length, lineno, mapping): """Representation of a source mapping for a Solidity file.""" self.solidity_file_idx = solidity_file_idx self.offset = offset self.length = length self.lineno = lineno self.solc_mapping = mapping
[docs]class SolidityFile: """Representation of a file containing Solidity code.""" def __init__(self, filename: str, data: str, full_contract_src_maps: Set[str]): """ Metadata class containing data regarding a specific solidity file :param filename: The filename of the solidity file :param data: The code of the solidity file :param full_contract_src_maps: The set of contract source mappings of all the contracts in the file """ self.filename = filename = data self.full_contract_src_maps = full_contract_src_maps
[docs]class SourceCodeInfo: def __init__(self, filename, lineno, code, mapping): """Metadata class containing a code reference for a specific file.""" self.filename = filename self.lineno = lineno self.code = code self.solc_mapping = mapping
[docs]def get_contracts_from_file(input_file, solc_settings_json=None, solc_binary="solc"): """ :param input_file: :param solc_settings_json: :param solc_binary: """ data = get_solc_json( input_file, solc_settings_json=solc_settings_json, solc_binary=solc_binary ) try: contract_names = data["contracts"][input_file].keys() except KeyError: raise NoContractFoundError for contract_name in contract_names: if len( data["contracts"][input_file][contract_name]["evm"]["deployedBytecode"][ "object" ] ): yield SolidityContract( input_file=input_file, name=contract_name, solc_settings_json=solc_settings_json, solc_binary=solc_binary, )
[docs]class SolidityContract(EVMContract): """Representation of a Solidity contract.""" def __init__( self, input_file, name=None, solc_settings_json=None, solc_binary="solc" ): data = get_solc_json( input_file, solc_settings_json=solc_settings_json, solc_binary=solc_binary ) self.solc_indices = self.get_solc_indices(data) self.solc_json = data self.input_file = input_file has_contract = False # If a contract name has been specified, find the bytecode of that specific contract srcmap_constructor = [] srcmap = [] if name: contract = data["contracts"][input_file][name] if len(contract["evm"]["deployedBytecode"]["object"]): code = contract["evm"]["deployedBytecode"]["object"] creation_code = contract["evm"]["bytecode"]["object"] srcmap = contract["evm"]["deployedBytecode"]["sourceMap"].split(";") srcmap_constructor = contract["evm"]["bytecode"]["sourceMap"].split(";") has_contract = True # If no contract name is specified, get the last bytecode entry for the input file else: for contract_name, contract in sorted( data["contracts"][input_file].items() ): if len(contract["evm"]["deployedBytecode"]["object"]): name = contract_name code = contract["evm"]["deployedBytecode"]["object"] creation_code = contract["evm"]["bytecode"]["object"] srcmap = contract["evm"]["deployedBytecode"]["sourceMap"].split(";") srcmap_constructor = contract["evm"]["bytecode"]["sourceMap"].split( ";" ) has_contract = True if not has_contract: raise NoContractFoundError self.mappings = [] self.constructor_mappings = [] self._get_solc_mappings(srcmap) self._get_solc_mappings(srcmap_constructor, constructor=True) super().__init__(code, creation_code, name=name)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_sources(indices_data: Dict, source_data: Dict) -> None: """ Get source indices mapping """ if "generatedSources" not in source_data: return sources = source_data["generatedSources"] for source in sources: full_contract_src_maps = SolidityContract.get_full_contract_src_maps( source["ast"] ) indices_data[source["id"]] = SolidityFile( source["name"], source["contents"], full_contract_src_maps )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_solc_indices(data: Dict) -> Dict: """ Returns solc file indices """ indices: Dict = {} for contract_data in data["contracts"].values(): for source_data in contract_data.values(): SolidityContract.get_sources(indices, source_data["evm"]["bytecode"]) SolidityContract.get_sources( indices, source_data["evm"]["deployedBytecode"] ) for source in data["sources"].values(): full_contract_src_maps = SolidityContract.get_full_contract_src_maps( source["ast"] ) with open(source["ast"]["absolutePath"], "rb") as f: code = indices[source["id"]] = SolidityFile( source["ast"]["absolutePath"], code.decode("utf-8"), full_contract_src_maps, ) return indices
[docs] @staticmethod def get_full_contract_src_maps(ast: Dict) -> Set[str]: """ Takes a solc AST and gets the src mappings for all the contracts defined in the top level of the ast :param ast: AST of the contract :return: The source maps """ source_maps = set() if ast["nodeType"] == "SourceUnit": for child in ast["nodes"]: if child.get("contractKind"): source_maps.add(child["src"]) elif ast["nodeType"] == "YulBlock": for child in ast["statements"]: source_maps.add(child["src"]) return source_maps
[docs] def get_source_info(self, address, constructor=False): """ :param address: :param constructor: :return: """ disassembly = self.creation_disassembly if constructor else self.disassembly mappings = self.constructor_mappings if constructor else self.mappings index = helper.get_instruction_index(disassembly.instruction_list, address) file_index = mappings[index].solidity_file_idx if file_index == -1: # If issue is detected in an internal file return None solidity_file = self.solc_indices[file_index] filename = solidity_file.filename offset = mappings[index].offset length = mappings[index].length code ="utf-8")[offset : offset + length].decode( "utf-8", errors="ignore" ) lineno = mappings[index].lineno return SourceCodeInfo(filename, lineno, code, mappings[index].solc_mapping)
def _is_autogenerated_code(self, offset: int, length: int, file_index: int) -> bool: """ Checks whether the code is autogenerated or not :param offset: offset of the code :param length: length of the code :param file_index: file the code corresponds to :return: True if the code is internally generated, else false """ if file_index == -1: return True # Handle the common code src map for the entire code. if ( "{}:{}:{}".format(offset, length, file_index) in self.solc_indices[file_index].full_contract_src_maps ): return True return False def _get_solc_mappings(self, srcmap, constructor=False): """ :param srcmap: :param constructor: """ mappings = self.constructor_mappings if constructor else self.mappings prev_item = "" for item in srcmap: if item == "": item = prev_item mapping = item.split(":") if len(mapping) > 0 and len(mapping[0]) > 0: offset = int(mapping[0]) if len(mapping) > 1 and len(mapping[1]) > 0: length = int(mapping[1]) if len(mapping) > 2 and len(mapping[2]) > 0: idx = int(mapping[2]) if self._is_autogenerated_code(offset, length, idx): lineno = None else: lineno = ( self.solc_indices[idx] .data.encode("utf-8")[0:offset] .count("\n".encode("utf-8")) + 1 ) prev_item = item mappings.append(SourceMapping(idx, offset, length, lineno, item))